Help / Reporting abuse

If you've got questions on how to use Flickr, you want to report a bug, or you'd like to contact us, use the menu on the right to get started.

If you'd like to do a little self-help, you can browse the FAQs and Help Forum.

Or, if you've a question on how to behave on Flickr, then the Community Guidelines might be what you're looking for.

What are you having trouble with?

If you encounter a member or image that you believe to be in violation of our Terms of Service and/or Community Guidelines, go to the page where you're seeing the content, and click the "Report Abuse" link at the bottom of that page.

Using this link will expedite your message to our abuse specialists, along with the URL of the page you were looking at when you clicked on it. This enables us to quickly locate the content you're referring to and take the necessary action.