Responsible play icon

We're committed to operating The National Lottery in a socially responsible way. We want our games to be exciting and fun to play but not in a way that's detrimental to the vulnerable, like low–income groups or players under the age of 16.

We work constantly to ensure that lottery games do not encourage excessive play. Here are some of the ways we do this:

  • Every game we wish to introduce has to be approved and licensed. Once a game has been designed, we must ensure that our advertising strategies do not target under 16s or low–income players, and that marketing of all lottery games complies with the relevant codes of practice.
  • Marketing of all lottery games must comply with the UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (BCAP Code) and the Code of Advertising (CAP) which covers activity in both print media and on broadcast channels. This means games must adhere to an extensive range of measures to take player protection into account. For more information on these codes, please visit the Important notice page on this site.

We work closely with GamCare, the UK's national centre for information, advice and practical help regarding the social impact of gambling, to put measures in place to protect our players and offer help and advice to keep our players playing in the right way ... responsibly.

If you think you need help controlling your play, or just want to find out more, please visit the pages below.

Playing the lottery in a responsible way - how to recognise whether you have a problem and what to do.

How we help you - measures that we have adopted to help you play responsibly.

Preventing under 16s from playing - what we do to prevent underage play.

GamCare certification - how we've continued GamCare certification.

Contact GamCare - to speak to someone in confidence contact GamCare.