Elite athlete

Paula Radcliffe

World record record holder and 100% me ambassador, Paula Radcliffe

This section contains all the information elite athletes need to be clean and stay clean.

UK Anti-Doping’s mission is to create a culture of clean sport and, as an elite athlete, you play a key role in achieving this.

As you will know, competing at an elite level requires you to make important choices. You need to ensure that you are fully aware of the potential pitfalls, the effect your choices have on your career, and the responsibility you have as a role model for the next generation of athletes.

It is important to remember that doping is not simply about those looking to cheat through the use of performance-enhancing drugs. All athletes need to be aware of the dangers of inadvertently taking prohibited medicines and supplements and the need to comply with out-of-competition testing programmes (whereabouts).

The principle of strict liability is central to anti-doping. You are responsible for any prohibited substance found in your system, whether there was an intention to cheat or not.

Elite athletes need to be familiar with the following:

  • The main sporting agencies that play a role in clean sport. Find out more in What we do.
  • How to integrate anti-doping essentials into everyday life as an elite performer
  • How to comply with their whereabouts requirements
  • How to manage risks when competing and travelling abroad
  • Understanding the impact of decisions on an athlete’s sporting career and the consequences of doping
  • What you can do for the UK and the movement towards clean sport.
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