London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

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UK Anti-Doping is counting down to the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Keeping the London Olympic and Paralympic Games clean is of vital importance, not just to the athletes competing, but also to the millions of spectators who will be tuning into each event.

UK Anti-Doping has an important role to play in helping to ensure that everyone coming to London for the Games understands their responsibilities around clean sport. In October 2011, the UK launched the ‘Win Clean: Say No to Doping’ campaign.

In this country we have a robust and stringent anti-doping programme, aiming to lead the way in the global fight against doping. This is reflected by the strength of the collaboration we have in the Win Clean campaign, which brings together strong domestic partners in Government, the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG), and UK Anti-Doping, with international backing from the World Anti-Doping Agency.


Right through to the closing ceremony of the Games, UK Anti-Doping’s role will be one of support. LOCOG is running the testing programme during Games time when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Paralympic Committee will have jurisdiction over athletes respectively.

UK Anti-Doping has signed a contract with LOCOG, with whom we also have a Memorandum of Understanding. We will conduct any testing at non-Olympic accredited venues from the opening of the Village to the Closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.

We also have a vital role to play in the run-up to the Games, as UK Anti-Doping is responsible for the pre-Games testing programme of Team GB and has coordinated a specific education programme for all UK athletes heading to the Games.

UK Anti-Doping will provide vital expertise and support to LOCOG as a leading National Anti-Doping Organisation in the run-up to and during the Games with 19 UK Anti-Doping personnel working or volunteering at events.

In the countdown to the Games, UK Anti-Doping wishes to send out a strong deterrent message to anyone coming to London that doping will not be tolerated.

In addition to our day-to-day work, UK Anti-Doping is also involved in outreach programmes such as the GSK Scientists in Sport inspiring young people into science by teaching them about anti-doping. By Games time, we hope to reach over 1,500 children through these events, with many more able to access the website and downloadable materials in the classroom.

Our target is not just the Olympics, we will be working towards other major events in the future.

Pledge your support to the Win Clean: Say No to Doping campaign.

Report Doping in Sport - 0800 032 2332