Global harmonisation

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WADA President John Fahey and Director General David Howman oversee global anti-doping operations

UK Anti-Doping is an active participant in the global fight against doping and recognises the need to take an international approach.

Partnerships with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), UNESCO (2006 UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport), the Council of Europe and the International Anti-Doping Agreement are integral to UK Anti-Doping’s international activities.

The World Anti-Doping Code is the document that harmonises regulations regarding anti-doping in sport, across all sports and all countries of the world. The Code provides a framework for anti-doping policies, rules and regulations for sport organisations and public authorities. Athletes are required to follow the anti-doping rules of sports that adopt the Code. The Code is supported by five international standards that ensure a uniform approach to anti-doping around the world.

The Code is integral in ensuring that athletes can expect fair competition wherever they participate, and it provides international expertise to every nation. In its commitment to the WADA Code, UK Anti-Doping also seeks to protect athletes, promote doping-free sport and establish consistent standards.

Priorities for the future include working towards the global harmonisation of anti-doping. By working with other National Anti-Doping Organisations, we stand a better chance of winning this battle, which cannot be tackled by individual countries alone.

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