
UK Anti-Doping Pre-Olympic Games Update

All 542 of Team GB athletes have been tested prior to the Games

All 542 of Team GB athletes have been tested prior to the Games

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), the national anti-doping organisation for the UK, has completed its pre-Olympic Games prevention programme, leading over 75 face-to-face ‘100% me’ education workshops worldwide and meeting more than 1,800 long and shortlisted Team GB athletes and their support personnel.

Education sessions were offered to athletes via numerous channels in partnership with the British Olympic Association (BOA) and National Governing Bodies of Sport, including online and face-to-face workshops conducted in the UK and abroad. Since 9 July, UK Anti-Doping has also been running a 24-hour ‘Clean Conscience’ support line to answer any questions athletes have around anti-doping, supplementing the online materials available on the UKAD London 2012 microsite.

UK Anti-Doping Director of Communications and Education Nicola Newman said: “This level of interaction has required considerable collaboration between the sports, the BOA, and our National Trainers; we would like to thank them all for their efforts.

“We want every British athlete competing at the Games to be proud of their achievements as clean athletes, and confident they understand anti-doping risks and responsibilities.  Their commitment to this programme has been invaluable. ”

In addition, UK Anti-Doping has run a comprehensive detection programme, with every one of Team GB’s 542 selected athletes tested at least once in the run up to the Games, with many athletes tested more than once.  Intelligence-led testing has been conducted both domestically and internationally as the vast majority of long and shortlisted athletes have been competing or training overseas in the six months leading up to the Games.

The UK Anti-Doping Intelligence Unit has been working closely with a range of law enforcement partners to support the UK’s aim to present the cleanest Games possible.

UK Anti-Doping Director of Operations Nicole Sapstead said:  “Our intelligence activity has been focused for at least a year on the Olympic Games.  We have received and acted on information shared by a range of global partners in a way never undertaken before. 

“The benefits of this collaboration will ensure that anti-doping has a legacy from these Games and that confidence in the system and sport is enhanced as a result.”


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