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   Quarterly reports on rule violations        The 2012 Prohibited List      The eight Anti-Doping Rule Violations


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   UK Anti-Doping confirms six month ban for Enzo Maccarinelli   Official Myprotein Statement 12 July 2012     Media contacts

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         All athletes competing at the London 2012 Olympic Games are in-competition now until the end of the closing ceremony. UK Anti-Doping Pre-Olympic Games update. Online learning resource now available for coaches. Follow us on Twitter for the latest news. Visit our new London 2012 website for anti-doping information during the Games. Download the new London 2012 Media Guide for essential anti-doping information. Win Clean - Say No To Doping in Sport. Pledge your support for a clean London 2012.     Search       Parents   Home / Parents      Navigation   In this section  How parents can helpSupporting your child's development Stages of athlete development       Latest from Twitter  Have you checked out @British_Airways Park Live? Squeaky loves #HomeAdvantage and will be supporting from the Park.

 03/08/2012 Great day for @TeamGB yesterday. What has been your best moment of the Games so far? #London2012 #CleanSport

 03/08/2012 Follow @ukantidoping

      As a parent, anti-doping can seem like a daunting topic and it's difficult to know where to start. Your child may have just started out in sport or have been competing at a high level for sometime. Whichever stage your child is at, clean sport is relevant. Helping to support your child with good anti-doping practises is vital in creating a culture of clean athletes and clean sport.

  At UK Anti-Doping we are committed to supporting athletes, parents and support personnel in understanding anti-doping to protect clean sport. This parents' section is dedicated to helping you in supporting your child in clean sport throughout their career.

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