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Freedom of Information

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Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act grants a right to any person, anywhere, to be told whether a public authority holds specified information, and if so, to have that information communicated to them. The request has to be made in writing (which includes emails), and the applicant has to give their name and supply an address for correspondence. The request must describe the information that they are seeking. This individual right of access applies to all types of recorded information held by UK Sport, regardless of the age of the information.

What information am I entitled to?

You are entitled to be told whether we hold the information you have requested. This is sometimes referred to as the duty to "confirm or deny". If we do hold it, you are entitled to have the information communicated to you. However, there are some exemptions to these rights.

The Act is fully retrospective and any information recorded in any form which is held by UK Sport is eligible for release, subject to the exemptions.

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