Department for Culture Media and Sport

creative industries

Creative employment provides around two million jobs, in the creative sector itself and in creative roles in other sectors. Employment in the sector has grown at double the rate of the economy as a whole.

The Prime Minister’s speech on supporting economic growth highlights the creative industries as an important growth area in rebalancing the economy. DCMS will continue to work closely with other Government departments and agencies to make sure that there is an appropriate level of support available for the creative industries.

The Government wants to create the right environment to start and grow a business, making sure that people working in the creative industries have the right managerial and leadership skills to do so. It has committed to introducing a ’one-in one-out‘ rule for new regulations, sunset clauses, and an immediate review of all inherited regulation in the pipeline.


Sector information

Creative industries facts and figures

These are the most recent statistics for the Creative Industries, published December 2011:

  • creative industries contributed 2.9% of the UK’s Gross Value Added in 2009, this is an increase from 2.8% in 2008
  • 1.5 million people are employed in the creative industries or in creative roles in other industries, 5.1% of the UK’s employment
  • exports of services by the creative industries accounted for 10.6% of the UK’s exports of services
  • there were an estimated 106,700 businesses in the creative industries on the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) in 2011, this represents 5.1% of all companies on the IDBR

Access the full December 2011 Creative Industries Economic Estimates

Please note that the methodology has changed between the 2010 report and the most recent 2011 report so the figures in the two reports are not comparable. Figures in the 2010 report have been re-calculated in the 2011 report under the new methodology.

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Services and support available for creative businesses

Creative industry firms can make use of a number of business support products and services under the Solutions for Business banner. These are available from Business Link and include advice on taking advantage of innovations and accessing international markets.

Creative companies can also access research and development tax credit and enterprise finance guarantee schemes. The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) has pledged to date £15 million grant to aid research and development for creative industries based business.


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Music funding

We have compiled advice and information on funding for businesses in the music industry, which is regularly updated:

The National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts (NESTA) can provide funding for individuals with new and innovative ideas:


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Arts and film funding

We also fund arts and film based organisations or individuals through Arts Council England, the national body for the arts in England, the British Film Institute and Skillset.

More information on skills and entry routes into the creative industries is available from the relevant sector skills councils:


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