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RYA Sea Survival Course in Sussex - How and when to abandon a damaged yacht - Learn to survive with Mustang Sailing

RYA Sea Survival Course

RYA Sea Survival Course

Surviving in a life raft is all about what to do when the worst happens, and what not to do. Much of what you will learn is counter-intuitive, doing the right thing will not necessarily come naturally. The long-term viability of a crew who choose abandon a yacht is dependent on may factors: mental & physical fitness, their skills, their will to live. The one factor that will undoubtedly improve the odds is good training.

In the 1979 Fastnet Race a force 11 storm created difficult conditions, a wind shift then created confused, crossed seas. Fifteen people died, seven of them during the abandonment phase. Of the 24 yachts abandoned, only five sank. Come and learn from a real expert when and how to get off a yacht and how to maximise your chances inside a raft.

Our RYA Sea Survival course is taken by the Chief Instructor of the Royal Navy's Sea Survival Training Centre. A career professional who is responsible for the Sea Survival training of all personnel joining a ship or squadron.

We invest in three hours of pool time rather than the usual two hours in order to focus on what matters, the practicalities of entering the water, and entering and managing a life raft and it's occupants. Our instructor has an unparalleled background in this area, he knows what you need to know, what works and what doesn't.

Why choose Mustang Sailing for your RYA Sea Survival course?

  • Our course is taken by military sea survival experts
  • 3 Hour wet drill, not the usual 2
  • Free use of our oilies and life jackets

See also: RYA/ISAF Offshore Safety and RYA First Aid

Useful Links


Training facilities were second to none. A well planned and enjoyable course - Highly recommended
Michael, Jan 2011
It was the second time I had done this course with Keith as the instructor, first time being about five years ago. It's amazing how much I realised that I had forgotten, so it's definitely worth refreshing every few years. Thanks.
Rob, Feb 2011
We found the whole thing both informative with practical simulation - it was good fun too!
Graham, Feb 2011
I enjoyed the course. Excellent team builder as part of a crew undertaking the Fastnet Race
Paul, Feb 2011
It was a thoroughly enjoyable and informative day, would recommend it to fellow sailors.
Jane, Feb 2011
I am in the process of buying a liferaft and I was recommended to take this course before making the decision. That proved to be excellent advice. I'm now in a much better position to make the decision.
Richard, April 2011
Both instructors were excellent. They were clearly experienced and ran the course very well. Good humour and relaxed. Brilliant course. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
Bill, July 2011
Excellent course, it ought to be compulsory! Instruction was brilliant, very realistic
Melissa P.
Excellent course – both theory in morning and practical afternoon session were extremely informative and useful. Good, knowledgeable instructor, very useful course and good confidence builder.
Jonathan M.
Excellent, brilliant – instructor fab! Very knowledgeable.
Jo W.
As usual well run and informative. I loved the ice creams - nice touch!
Helen L.
Course led by military sea survival experts - 3 hour wet drill. not the usual 2 - Courses run at Ringmer nr Lewes in Sussex - Course led by military sea survival experts - 3 hour wet drill. not the usual 2 - Courses run at Ringmer nr Lewes in Sussex - Course led by military sea survival experts - 3 hour wet drill. not the usual 2 - Courses run at Ringmer nr Lewes in Sussex -

08456 80 90 69

Course dates

RYA Sea Survival Course

  • £100pp

All listed dates have places available

Dates 2012

  • September 23
  • November 18

See also: RYA/ISAF Offshore Safety and RYA First Aid

Copyright © 2011 Mustang Sailing