Call to arms

Calling all sailors 

Stuart Carruthers, Cruising Manager, asks you not to put the phone down...

Encouraging people to take part in a telephone survey is not something I normally do.

However, I would urge any of you, who receive a call about leisure and recreational activities, to not hang up the phone but to stay on the line and agree to take part.

The Active People Survey plays a central role in informing Government, specifically Sport England, as to how many people participate in our sport or leisure activity depending on how you see it.

The Active People Survey measures the proportion of adults who participate in sport and is conducted by telephone, calling home phone numbers selected at random.

The survey is pretty short and only takes about 15 minutes to complete. The results however, will be used by Government for some time.

Results from the last Sport England Survey show that there are 68,000 people who participate in sailing at least once a week. Our research shows us that more than 850,000 people are out there enjoying sailing over the course of a year.

So if you do get a call to take part, consider the future generations of sailors, sit down in a comfy chair and take the 15 minutes to participate in the survey.

Thank you.

Stuart Carruthers, Cruising Manager

If you would like to help spread the word please do use our downloadable poster. Active People Survey 5 started in mid-October 2010 and will continue to mid-October 2011.

More information about the Sport England Active People Survey.

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Article Published: August 03, 2011 12:38


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