RYA PYS Online - SailRacer       .sorting {cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; } .site-header { height:140px; padding-left:0px; background:white url(https://web.archive.org./web/20120418143939im_/http://www.sailracer.org/rya/img/pybanner.jpg) no-repeat left top; } fieldset legend { margin-bottom:-20px; *margin-bottom:-10px; }       /*********************************************** * Jason's Date Input Calendar- By Jason Moon http://calendar.moonscript.com/dateinput.cfm * Script featured on and available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com * Keep this notice intact for use. ***********************************************/   function validateTheDate() { var Today = new Date(); if (someDate_Object.picked.date < Today) alert('Cannot select a date in the past.'); else if (someDate_Object.picked.yearValue > 2000) alert('Cannot select dates beyond 2020.'); }         Home Upload Reports Edit your club details Help Logout       LoginCLUBID  Password   Email   Latest NewsUPDATE - Confidence factor More...UPDATE - Confidence factor More...UPDATE - Logging in More...Known Issue - Internet Explorer More...Known Issue - duplicate files More...Sail Wave - Common issues More...UPDATE More...Getting Started READ ME More...

 Welcome to the RYA Portsmouth Yardstick Race Analysis Website  The Portsmouth Yardstick is a scheme operated jointly by the RYA and its affiliated clubs. The site will allow clubs to upload race results, analyse race results and provide adjusted numbers back to the club for consideration.  To Register To register to the website, please follow the “Register Here” link. Simply enter your club details, your Club handicap officer’s details and a memorable password. Once you have registered your club details, you will be contacted by the RYA with your Club ID which will form your login.  What do you get? The basis of this website is to primarily build up a usable Club Return to be considered in analysis for the following years National Portsmouth Number list. However, in order to produce a usable return, clubs need to make sure that the numbers returned to the RYA accurately reflect your clubs boats performance on your club waters. By analysing the race results, the website will offer a list of recommended Portsmouth numbers forming a club list which is catered specifically to your club!


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Checking new results data ......
'); $.get('xml-import.asp?func=imported&clubid=&lastdt=' , function(data) { //$('#outputtable').html('
Loading Data ......
'); }) $.get('functions.asp?func=imported&clubid=&lastdt=' , function(data) { //alert (data.indexOf ('No data')) if (data.indexOf ('||') == -1 ) { window.location = "upload/uploadoptions.asp?msg=1" } var outputarray = data.split("||") ; var tbl = outputarray [0] ; var newevents = outputarray [2].split("##") ; for (i=1;i<=newevents.length-1;i++) { $.get('functions.asp?func=checkduplicates&data=' + newevents [i], function(data) { if (data != 'undefined') { duplicates = duplicates + data $('#Dialog').append (data) if (duplicates != '' && $('#Dialog').dialog( "isOpen" ) == false) { $('#Dialog').prepend ('

Potential Duplicate Races

') $('#Dialog').dialog('open') $( "#Dialog" ).bind( "dialogbeforeclose", function(event, ui) { //alert (deletedids) deletedidsA = deletedids.split (',') for ( var i=0 ; iNo races found')} else {$('#outputtable').prepend ('

The following races have been imported and processed :

') } // check for key if (tbl.indexOf("newresults") > 0) { $('#outputtable').prepend ('

Races recently added
') } $('.managebox').click(function() { var managebox = '' managebox = managebox + ' Delete' // managebox = managebox + ' Fleet Racing' if ($('#' + this.id).attr ('py') == 'NOTPY') { managebox = managebox + ' Reinclude for PY' } else { managebox = managebox + ' Not for PY' } managebox = managebox + '
' ; managebox = managebox + ' ' errmsg = ($('#'+this.id.replace ('manage','errors')).attr ('title')) ; if (errmsg != undefined) { managebox = managebox + '

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  • '); }); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Code using $ as usual goes here. $("#Dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 400, width: 850, resizable: false, modal: true, title: 'Potential Duplicate Records', close: function () { }, buttons: { }, Cancel: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }); }); var deletedids = '' $('.deletedupes').live("click", function(){ $('#duplciatestatus').html(' Are you sure you want to delete selected races ?') }); $('#deletconfirm').live('click', function(){ var values = $('input:checkbox:checked.deletedupes').map(function () { return this.value; }).get(); for ( var i=0 ; i y) ? 1 : 0)); }; jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['title-numeric-desc'] = function(a,b) { var x = a.match(/title="*(-?[0-9\.]+)/)[1]; var y = b.match(/title="*(-?[0-9\.]+)/)[1]; x = parseFloat( x ); y = parseFloat( y ); return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0)); }; });   .tickbox { float : left ; } input,input[type=text] { //width : 100px ; //background-color : red ; } .manageboxinner {background-color: dodgerblue; padding:2px; border:1px solid } .managebox { margin-right:10px ; } .manageboxclose {margin-top:-20px ; float : right ; // margin-left : 300px ; } .managebox,#deletconfirm { cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; } .newresults {background-color:silver}