470s launching

Club Reports and Incentives 

Club reports are due by 9th April 2012. This is for the period 1 October 2011 - 31 March 2012. Click on the link to the right to access the online survey.

Has your club received funding from the RYA Club and Coach programme or is your club a VCC or T15?  If so then you must complete this simple report by 9th April 2012.  If you have not received the link by email you can access it by clicking on the link to the right.

This information is critical to the RYA for the following reasons:

  • To justify current funding and attract future funding for sailing & Windsurfing clubs and volunteers from Government agencies (Sports England) or private enterprise (Volvo Car UK)
  • To comply with legal requirement of the Sport England Grant (which supports your Club).
  • Required by all sailing and windsurfing clubs in England (not just Volvo RYA Champion Clubs) who have accessed Free Coaching Days or Volunteering Grants.

Clubs who complete their club report on time (by 9th April 2012) will be entered into a prize draw to win fantastic prizes.  Prizes are as follows:

  • 5 Days coaching for your club (worth approx £1000)
  • A set of 6 Buoyancy Aids
  • A Kodak Playsport Video Camera
  • £100 RYA Vouchers

If you have any questions regarding the report please contact Viv Nanopoulou on 023 8060 4245.


Contact Us

Article Published: March 29, 2012 15:40


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