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RYA Cruising News YOU'RE PART OF IT!
What's going on...
  Welcome to the August issue of Cruising News  
  In this issue Simon Jinks explores the vulnerability of GPS and GNSS systems and looks at what backup may be available in Space Jam. Simon also takes us through the dark art that is spinnakers and explains that careful preparation can help avoid the hourglass effect and other horrors!

Jake Kavanagh takes a look at how the other half lives and we explore how easy it is to overlook the obvious in the X factor.

We all dislike telephone surveys but the Active People Survey is one worth taking part in explains Stuart Carruthers, Cruising Manager. If you fancy a trip to Italy this summer then the invitation to the Marina di Pescara is for you.

Lastly but by no means least we have your views and comments in Dear Editor.

The Editor -
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RYA Passage Planning

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In this issue:
Calling all sailors Calling all sailors
Your sport needs you.
Space jam Space Jam
What will catch GNSS if it falls?
Dear Editor
Your emails answered
Red diesel
Updated Coastguard reforms
Report lost equipment
Eco moorings
more news
The X Factor The X Factor
X marks the spot.
How the other half live How the other half live
Ever wondered what it is like to spend a day on a super yacht? Jake Kavanagh gets a taste of the good life.
Spinnakers Spinnakers
A run through the gear and preparation required for spinnakers. Next month we look at trimming your spinnaker.
Pescara Marina di Pescara, Italy
An invitation to RYA members to visit the Marina di Pescara in Italy.
Thank you. Your support makes all the difference
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