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    Team Blog

    Mar 2 2012

    Time is passing quick! 

    Wow, it’s March already, and there’s now less than 6 months until the Games!

    Since racing in Miami in January at the Olympic Classes Regatta, Annie, Kate and I have been training in Cadiz, Spain.

    It’s amazing how much we were looking forward to going training after racing so much at the Worlds in Perth and then in Miami. We have had a great few weeks out here and still have three more weeks training before our next racing in Palma in April.  

    There is nothing in particular we desperately feel we need to work on in this period, it’s more a case of having time look at different aspects of our racing be it tactics, boat handling, speed or fitness and looking at where we can improve and how we can build on our current strengths.

    This week we have our American training partners here and we have been having some great sessions in big swell and decent breeze and in the session before we had a good mix of British training partners to sail against, all bringing different skills and ideas to the training. It is this time of the year we are really grateful to everyone that has supported our campaign.

    The generosity of individuals that have supported our campaign has allowed us to set up this training and really try and push the boundaries and learn as much as possible before racing season starts again. So, a big thank you to all!

    Although we have moved south a bit for the winter, we are still needing to keep the fire going in the evenings to keep the house we have nice and cosy so I’m back to fire tending for now and will update soon (Maurice is the real master of the fires though!).



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