Questions about Breast Cancer? 1-800-221-2141
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Find support 24 hours a day.

Because no one should face breast cancer alone.

Survivor Arline
Arline - 30-year survivor
"You can manage a situation better if you understand it. Try and get some control when you feel out of control."

Breast Cancer Support Services

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The Y-ME Hotline is our core service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, where you can talk to a breast cancer survivor.

Y-ME also offers other support services.  Whether you are looking for a wig or prosthesis, reading material and important resources related to breast cancer, or are looking to join a breast cancer support group in your area, Y-ME can help.

In this section, you can learn about Y-ME’s support services and how to find the resources you need:

Y-ME Hotline
The only place in the world to call 24 hours a day
and talk to a breast cancer survivor and be
understood in 150 languages.

Wig & Prosthesis Program
The Wig and Prosthesis program ensures that all women, regardless of income, receive all they need to feel “normal” again.

Survivor Match Program
Y-ME pairs callers with peer counselors who share
a commonality in diagnosis, age, or experience.

Breast Cancer Support Groups
Y-ME has several support groups across the country to assist patients in peer support.

Partner Match Program
Y-ME provides support for those supporting a wife,
partner or other loved one through the disease.

Gerry Weinberg Library
The library has over 200 books to lend to anyone concerned about breast cancer. 


Breast Cancer News

Breast Cancer feed
A recent study shows personalized medicine may be more complex than originally thought.  But Y-ME peer counselor Jane Perlmutter, Ph.D, cautions...
An inherited mutation in the Abraxas gene, which encodes a protein that interacts with BRCA1 and other DNA-repair proteins, is associated with an...
Many of us have blamed our addled moments on a poorly-understood phenomenon referred to as "chemobrain," but until now, it's never been clear that...