Questions about Breast Cancer? 1-800-221-2141
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Find support 24 hours a day.

Because no one should face breast cancer alone.

Judy - 12-year survivor
"I hung up the phone the first time I called Y-ME before the counselor even said anything. I thought they couldn’t know what I'm going through. Then I found out they were survivors, and I called back."

Senior Leadership and Financials

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Y-ME is led by a senior leadership team of dedicated, passionate survivors, advocates, and supporters.

Cindy Geoghegan Chief Executive Officer
Ester Diaz   Senior Director, Patient Programs
Andrea Evans Director, Y-ME Hotline
John Fedus Interim Chief Financial Officer
Lauren Hughes Director, Development
Kelly McCluskey Director, Strategic Relationships
Karen Moore Chief of Staff
Kristin Schmidt Senior Director, Program Administration
2011 Audited Financial Statements
June 2011 IRS 990


Breast Cancer News

Breast Cancer feed
A recent study shows personalized medicine may be more complex than originally thought.  But Y-ME peer counselor Jane Perlmutter, Ph.D, cautions...
An inherited mutation in the Abraxas gene, which encodes a protein that interacts with BRCA1 and other DNA-repair proteins, is associated with an...
Many of us have blamed our addled moments on a poorly-understood phenomenon referred to as "chemobrain," but until now, it's never been clear that...