Questions about Breast Cancer? 1-800-221-2141
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Because no one should face breast cancer alone.

Survivor Dorothy
Dorothy - 15-year survivor
"Today’s callers are more knowledgeable. But their emotional needs are still the same. Y-ME is here to provide information, hope, empathy, and sympathy."

Expert Corner Blog

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Dr. Gordon B. Mills, MD, PhD, writes: The recent paper in the New England Journal of Medicine does a very nice job of characterizing heterogeneity in tumors in a single patient. This is an important observation.  However, there are several important parts to the paper.
Sharon Green, Y-ME Board Member, writes: "We at Y-ME do not care about your color, your background, your voting record. We care that you need someone to talk to."
Carmen, Y-ME Peer Counselor, writes, "Through my own experience as a survivor diagnosed at 37, I know quality-of-life is not one size fits all and depends in many factors..."
Dorothy, Y-ME Peer Counselor, writes, "I headed home the last day of this symposium with mixed emotions.  It was a very exciting week and an amazing experience to be there with thousands of doctors, scientists and advocates who are so committed to solving the problem of breast cancer.  It gives you real hope."
Dorothy, Y-ME Peer Counselor, writes, "Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with DCIS.  Stage 0 cancer.  At the time, I wondered how I could really have cancer if it was Stage 0..."
Steve Shak, MD, writes, "Oncotype DX DCIS Score goes beyond traditional clinical and pathologic measures, such as tumor size, tumor grade, and patient age, to predict the risk of local recurrence..."
Dorothy, Y-ME Peer Counselor, writes, "I am on my way to Texas for the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.  It's hard to describe the excitement of being at this meeting..."
Susan Hong, MD MPH FACP, writes, "Over the last several years the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk has gained increasing attention..."
Dikla Benzeevi, Peer Counselor and Patient Advocate, writes: "I recently completed Y-ME's advanced training on Metastatic Breast Cancer to support women affected by advanced breast cancer..."
Sharon Green, MHA, writes: "Y-ME was started in 1978 by Mimi Kaplan and Ann Marcou ... one of the earliest brochures describing its programs was titled “Why-Me?”

Breast Cancer News

Breast Cancer feed
A recent study shows personalized medicine may be more complex than originally thought.  But Y-ME peer counselor Jane Perlmutter, Ph.D, cautions...
An inherited mutation in the Abraxas gene, which encodes a protein that interacts with BRCA1 and other DNA-repair proteins, is associated with an...
Many of us have blamed our addled moments on a poorly-understood phenomenon referred to as "chemobrain," but until now, it's never been clear that...