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Volunteers painting bridge

Volunteering opportunities along the inland waterways

Volunteering on UK canals and rivers, find out how to volunteer, what’s in it for you and volunteering opportunities on your doorstep.

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As British Waterways moves towards the third sector, volunteering is going to become an integral part of the company's structure. In this section of waterscape you can read about existing British Waterways volunteers, find out about the benefits of volunteering and look for opportunities, not just on the canals and rivers, but from home and from our offices as well.
Volunteering for British Waterways can take many forms and volunteers are welcomed in our offices, heritage sites and on the towpath. From graphic designers to local waterway rangers there's sure to be something on offer to suit your skills and abilities.

You can also use our search tool to find the right kind of volunteering opportunity near you or simply browse through the positions available.

Britain's canals and rivers are a national treasure. If you want them to be enjoyed by future generations, join the hundreds of people already helping out and volunteer with British Waterways.

Waterway volunteers

There are endless opportunities for volunteers along UK canals and rivers. Find out more

Volunteers painting lock on the Shropshire Union Canal

What's in it for you?

Testimonials from existing waterway volunteers. What have they gained from volunteering?

Group of volunteers on the canal

Towpath Tidy 2011

Help keep your local canals and rivers clean and join a regular working party.

Canalside volunteers

Volunteer lock keepers

We're offering volunteers the chance to take on the iconic role of lock keeper with the new Canal & River Trust.

Volunteer ranger

Volunteer roles

Find an opportunity to volunteer on a canal or river near you

Volunteer painting lock

Useful links

Links to other organisations where volunteers are welcome

Volunteer painting a lock