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  1. Roger Hanbury's blog...

    Roger joined The Waterways Trust as its first Chief Executive in 2000. Since then the Trust has directly raised over £16m for waterway-based projects in England Wales and Scotland.

    Don't forget to vote

    Elections for the Canal & River Trust Council close in just over a week.
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  2. Jenny Whitehall

    I have worked for BW for many years in a variety of roles within a professional, technical and commercial environment. For the majority of my career I have had a national role and I pride myself on my knowledge of the whole network. I was a key member of the New Marinas Unit and latterly have worked within boating trade. I currently have responsibility for the directly managed mooring business.

    BW moorings price review 2012

    Over the past few months my regional teams have thoroughly reviewed the market conditions for BW moorings.
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  3. Graham Fisher

    Graham Fisher is a member of the West Midlands Waterway Partnership.

    A WP update from the Black Country

    One thing I enjoy about working on WMWP is that it is entirely 'up front' - you wanna know what I'm up to, just ask!
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