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Registering allows you to receive the following emails from

  • Stoppages and restrictions for waterways that interest you
  • Weekly newsletter, with the latest waterway news and upcoming events
  • Boaters’ Update, a monthly email with the latest news from British Waterways

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Please ensure your passwords match, and are at least 5 characters long.

Please supply a valid UK postcode. If you do not wish to supply a postcode, leave the field completely blank.

I would like to receive notification of stoppages and restrictions.

Choose the waterways you would like to receive stoppages and restrictions for. If you would like to choose more than one waterway, use your Ctrl button when clicking the ones you need.


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I would like to receive the weekly newsletter.

I would like to receive the British Waterways Boaters' Update.

We may wish to send you information about the waterways. Please tick this box if you do not want to be contacted by British Waterways and by e-mail and e-newsletters about other related information.

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