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Stoppages and restricted openings

man at work

Plan your cruising with our regularly updated listings of stoppages and restrictions.

Occasionally, canals, rivers and towpaths are closed for maintenance work. We list all stoppages on British Waterways and Environment Agency navigations as soon as they are notified to us, but emergency work may cause sudden closures.

As well as stoppages for planned maintenance or emergency repairs, we list temporary restrictions (when navigations remain open with restrictions in place), towpath closures and local navigation advice. Also, for manned structures and facilities, we show opening times and booking details.

You can receive all this information straight to your inbox with our stoppage alerts.

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Winter stoppages

The following maps were accurate as of 4 November 2011. Please use the stoppage search feature below for the latest information on individual stoppages.

Northern Waterway Map

North & Mids Eastern Waterways

Birmingham to Wirral

Birmingham Area

Southern Waterways

Search current stoppages