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Three cyclists standing by bikes

Cycle Britain's 4,000 miles of canals, rivers and lakes.

To browse our complete cycling guide use the links below and the menu bar on the left. Alternatively, find waterside cycling routes near you by clicking on in your area above.

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Cycling along the towpaths of Britain’s canals and rivers is a truly rewarding experience. As well as contributing to your weekly exercise regime, it’s relaxing and gives you the opportunity to get fit and spot wildlife at the same time.
If you have a favourite cycling route, you can now share it with us courtesy of our new ‘suggest a route’ feature. You can also search for routes along your local canal with the ‘find a cycle route’ function in this section.

The links on your left will tell you all about cycling in London and the Two Tings campaign as well as giving you some tips on the best routes the city’s waterways have to offer. While you don’t need a permit to use London’s towpaths a cycling permit is needed for the rest of the country and it can be downloaded by using the link on the left of this page.

Our Towpath Code of Conduct will give you tips on how best to share the canals and rivers with walkers, boaters and anglers and ride your bike safely along the towpaths.

Route of the month

Explore the parks and open spaces of Stoke-on-Trent via the Caldon Canal and Trent & Mersey Canal.

Mam cycling along towpath

Cycling permits

Cycling on canal towpaths? Download your cycle permit free of charge.

Lady cycling on towpath

Code of Conduct

Read the British Waterways Towpath Code of Conduct

Bicycle handle bars

Cycling and health

Cycling is fun for all the family and a great way to keep fit.

children cycling along towpath

Suggest a route

Do you have a favourite canalside cycling route? Tell us about it using our form.

Couple cycling on BCN

Cycling tips

Useful points to consider when cycling on canal towpaths.

adult and two children cycling on towpath