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Manchester Road Bridge spruced up for Olympics

1st Mar 2012

British Waterways is painting and carrying out necessary repairs to the blue bridge at Manchester Road in Docklands as part of the area’s preparations for the Olympic summer ahead.

The works will take place between 5 March and 18 May 2012 and will include a full repaint of the bridge. Mechanical and electrical repairs will be undertaken which will safeguard the reliability of the bridge in the future. British Waterways is investing £435,000 into the scheme and May Gurney will be carrying out the works.

Gareth Stephens, harbour and waterspace manager at British Waterways, said: "Boats from all over the world are coming to the Docklands for the Olympic summer, and the Manchester Road Bridge will be one of the first things they see as they arrive via the Thames. We want to showcase the docks in their best possible light as we welcome visiting vessels to London. The bridge is a popular local landmark and we have made sure it will retain its striking blue colour."

There will be night time lane closures and additional traffic controls on Manchester Road between 9 March and 27 April 2012. Vehicles will still be able to use the bridge during this period. Works will not be taking place over Easter (8 April to 11 April) or over the May Day bank holiday weekend (5 May to 7 May).

Last updated: 01/03/2012

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