
  1. All merch orders are shipping out today! Thanks for your purchases!

  2. The band may be dead but you can still follow Matt and David and all their stupidness at and

  3. Hey nerds! We will have some videos from the finale show up later this afternoon!

  4. Bloody knuckles and a few tears in my eyes. Thank you to everyone who made tonight a special one.

  5. I'm sweaty, soaked w/ beer, & my ears are ringing..<- means another kick ass show with

  6. I have to go to a noisy bar tonight and I'm going to be miserable. The price I pay for seeing 's last hurrah.

  7. Tonight's the night we say farewell with our good friends and at The VooDoo Lounge in Huntsville, AL. See you there

  8. maybe you just played a really good set and their being passive aggressive about the messy floors they have to clean up.

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