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League of Legends
RiotGamesInc's Channel
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Feb 9, 2009
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1 day ago
Los Angeles, California
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RiotGamesInc added new videos to Watch Champion Spotlight Episodes (1 day ago)
RiotGamesInc uploaded a new video (1 day ago)
League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath, with expert strategy and tactics provided by Riot Games.

Click here to s...   more
RiotGamesInc added a new video to Watch Patch Previews (4 days ago)
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In this episode, we discuss the removal of dodge as a global sta...   more
RiotGamesInc uploaded a new video (4 days ago)
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In this episode, we discuss the removal of dodge as a global sta...   more
RiotGamesInc added new videos to The Summoner Showcase (5 days ago)
League of Legends by Riot Games  
League of Legends is a competitive online game set in an imaginative world. Gamers take the role of a powerful Summoner, calling forth and controlling brave Champions in battle. League of Legends combines the best elements of session-based games with persistent elements of MMORPG's. Enter the Fields of Justice with your most trusted allies as you fight for your right to rule the world of Valoran. There is only one rule of law among those in the league: Winner rules all.

Sign up and play for free at

ESRB Rating: TEEN with Blood, Fantasy Violence
Channel Comments
MrGr0n (49 minutes ago)
hellomotor64 (4 hours ago)
super boring
Wyrda2u (5 hours ago)
Karthus <3
myALHammadi (6 hours ago)
plz NERF !!!! Tryndmare HE IS OP!!!!!!
KlawiszReeV (6 hours ago)
what happened with rotation? there arent morgana and shyvana and there are teemo, yi and other shit ; /
I love Shyvana ; /
Brandon828AZN (9 hours ago)
when i type my pass and enter it says invaild even though its not wrong
808Scrillas (9 hours ago)
League community, come to my channel and check out some LoL montages :3 Mahalos!
JulianBartlett (10 hours ago)
Any chance when Phreak does his spotlights he can also do recommended summoner spells?
NikmatEOnov (10 hours ago)
WTF RIOT I NEED HELP I WAS DISCONNECTED !and when i tried to recconect a message appeared...Saying that mi acount is suspended until the year 2222!!! 2222!!! =( I need Help!
Grimgree (10 hours ago)
riot srsly interrupting the middle of a game ? ffs we were 7 6 i was the main carry and i god disconnected.... all of the sudden servers are offfline and i have no way of getting back to the game. i hope you take care of the issue.
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