Evaluating GiveWell's impact

In addition to evaluations of other charities, GiveWell publishes substantial evaluation on itself, from the quality of our research to our impact on donations. This page summarizes two key metrics: (a) donations to top charities directly through our website (b) web traffic. This page will be updated quarterly.

Money moved

The chart below shows GiveWell's annual "money moved" against its operating expenses. "Money moved" refers to donations to our top charities that we can confidently attribute to our research (more detailed definition below).

The table below it shows GiveWell's money moved by charity. Note that because the vast majority of GiveWell's money moved comes in during December of each year, we only update these figures annually.

Total money donated, by charity (sorted by total money moved to each charity)

Charity 2010 2007 - 2009
VillageReach $1,132,468 $336,929
Against Malaria Foundation $130,097 $128,374
PSI $31,172 $161,273
Stop TB Partnership $57,092 $123,830
Small Enterprise Foundation $13,403 $125,000
Village Enterprise Fund $2,077 $125,000
Nurse-Family Partnership $48,446 $49,234
KIPP $30,843 $56,890
Not yet allocated $80,763 $0
Partners in Health $13,190 $25,806
The Global Fund $30,000 $8,660
Opportunity International $0 $25,000
The Hope Program $0 $25,000
Pratham $10,375 $12,646
Salaam Baalak Trust $10,000 $0
Teach for America $2,000 $2,300
Living Goods $0 $2,500
Invest in Kids $1,300 $0
Total $1,593,224 $1,208,442

(Note: GiveWell has not yet regranted some 2010 donations given to GiveWell for the purpose of regranting. These are listed as "Not yet allocated." In addition, donors who gave to GiveWell's donor advised fund but have yet to recommend a grant to a particular organization are also listed as "Not yet allocated.")

The following chart shows GiveWell's money moved by month (updated through September 30, 2011).

Web traffic

Quarterly web traffic to the GiveWell website (through September 30, 2011)

Quarter Unique visitors Y/Y growth
Q1 2009 20,681 -
Q2 2009 14,974 -
Q3 2009 18,418 -
Q4 2009 45,956 -
Q1 2010 48,027 132%
Q2 2010 33,173 122%
Q3 2010 27,729 51%
Q4 2010 68,870 50%
Q1 2011 89,588 87%
Q2 2011 102,506 209%
Q3 2011 115,482 316%

Website traffic, unique visitors (through September 30, 2011)

Website traffic by source (through September 30, 2011)

More detail

More detail is available for each year in our annual self-reviews.

What we count as "money moved"

  • Donations made to top charities directly through our website. Though these donations go directly to top charities, we are able to track them and verify that they went through our website. (Example: VillageReach donate page)
  • Donations that our recommended charities report back to us as being attributable to GiveWell (we have a high standard for this - we count only cases where (a) the donor explicitly stated that their donation was on the strength of GiveWell's recommendation or (b) the donor gave to Nurse-Family Partnership and stated that they heard about it from a Nicholas Kristof column; Mr. Kristof has informed us that he included NFP in the column on our recommendation).
  • Donations that donors report to us (informally or using our donation report form) as donations that they made on the strength of our recommendation. We cross-reference our data with recommended charities' data, when necessary, to eliminate double-counting.
  • Donations made directly to GiveWell and earmarked for re-granting. We count donations made and restricted in year X, and then granted in year Y, as "money moved" for year X, not year Y.