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OnBoard is about more children and young people learning to sail and windsurf.  More importantly, it's about keeping them involved in sailing, for life.

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Spray sailors ruled the lake at Eastbourne OnBoard Festival
Spray sailors ruled the lake at Eastbourne OnBoard Festival
The second successful Spray Watersports Onboard Festival took place on Saturday 10 September at Spray Watersports, Eastbourne. The event, organised by Spray Watersports and Sussex OnBoard Development Officer Mark Saul, was hailed a great success.
Edgbaston Hawks crowned 2011 RYA Onboard Champions of Birmingham
Edgbaston Hawks crowned 2011 RYA Onboard Champions of Birmingham
Youngsters get OnBoard at Bartley Sailing Club
Best Hampshire OnBoard festival ever
Best Hampshire OnBoard festival ever
Perfect conditions and great fun...

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