About Tidal Predictions
Essential to passage planning, one of your obligations under the SOLAS V regulations, tidal predictions allow you to establish the best time to transit certain parts of our coastline.
Predictions for 30 days ahead for many UK ports are provided on this site. There are however other sites such as the UKHO`s Easytide which after you have completed a simple registration proceedure offers access to free worldwide tidal predictions for up to 7 days ahead.
The Wiley Nautical Almanac offers full tide tables from from Lowestoft to Padstow and the continental coast from Vlissingen to L’Aber-Wrac’h free of charge.
Please note: When using online tide tables, be aware that different website publishers adhere to different conventions in adjusting for seasonal time differences.
Most printed UK tide tables list times throughout the year as UT (Greenwich Mean Time), but some online tables automatically adjust to BST for the relevant summer months and some do not. The time difference applied is often shown in the top line of the tidal data.
The RYA can accept no responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the third-party web-sites listed.
Contact UsArticle Published: October 02, 2009 12:08
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Elsewhere on the web
Worldwide tidal predictions
Tide predictions for locations around the globe
A free, directory of harbour, tidal and weather data for cruising sailors from Lowestoft to Padstow and the continental coast from Vlissingen to L’Aber-Wrac’h