Tonnage Surveys 

RYA Tonnage Measurers are able to carry out tonnage measurement for the purpose of Part 1 Registration with the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen. The RYA service is available to all craft of less than 24 metres in length, excluding fishing vessels. Most of the work undertaken is carried out within the United Kingdom, but it is possible to arrange for a survey to be carried out abroad, depending on the location. For vessels measured outside the UK - please contact the RYA Technical Department.


For craft measured within the UK:

  • Up to and including 15 metres overall length - Full measurement will cost £145.00
  • Over 15 metres overall length - Full Measurement will cost £185.00

The above fees include for any reasonable travel and subsistence expenses payable to the Measurer. No VAT is chargeable for tonnage measurement.

In order to obtain this service, please send a cheque for the appropriate amount requesting details on tonnage measurement stating the overall length (in metres) of your craft. You will then be sent a list of tonnage measurers from which you will contact your nearest measurer and arrange a mutually convenient time and location for the tonnage survey to be carried out. The measurer's fees will be included in the amount you pay the RYA. No other RYA fees will apply. Upon completion of the survey, the tonnage measurer will return the completed form to the RYA for validation and then the RYA will forward it onto the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen. If you have any queries, please contact us.


For owners wanting advice on a suitable surveyor for condition or insurance of a vessel they should vist the websites of either the YDSA or IIMS on the following links:

Contact Us

Article Published: August 04, 2010 16:41


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