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  1. @breconcottages sure did. Around midday
  2. @WildlyDiff very nice! Flippin' parky up there today tho'!
  3. @unclewilco Ah yes, it did look more of a Terry.
  4. @JamesASinclair Your Watford skyline is a triumph. Of sorts. #trainclub
  5. This is what I came for: The Brecon Beacons.
  6. @unclewilco That is what I call local knowledge. And he's called Tony? Genius. Still haven't made it to the pub....
  7. #trainclubbird
  8. @lialeendertz @MichTWheeler oooh, entire Chelsea show garden in miniature?
  9. Cardiff's glittering skyline.
  10. @lialeendertz I love a hat.
  11. Newport. #trainclub
  12. @RolandPaterson Ta, shall do.
  13. @JamesASinclair @lialeendertz You are also, according to our auditors, more able to afford it thanks to embezzlement of subs #trainclub
  14. @lialeendertz Just passing through. Tea and cakes will have to wait till GMG. Will you be wearing a sparkly hat?
  15. @RolandPaterson Brecon, boyo. Thanks for the thug offer. Cad.
  16. @lialeendertz heading your way. A chance to put #bristolparkwayflapjackdisaster behind us??
  17. #trainclub. Westbound.
  18. @ikki_oo Who knows! New Year sometime I guess??
  19. Boris Johnson's latest pedestrian traffic calming initiative, Oxford Street.
  20. @GreenShoedGirls Seven hours 12 minutes. And I'm doing fine thanks. Thought of you other day as I was writing about urban veg gardening.