Wes Willis


Husband to Michelle. Dad to Story, Ford, Merritt. Singer for Rush Of Fools. Car restorer. Auburn Football. Montgomery, AL.

iPhone: 33.423097,-86.796920
Unit: octubre de 2008

@willister86 està blocat

Estàs segur que vols veure aquestos tuits? No es desblocarà @willister86 per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Retuitat per

    Modern day 'activism'

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  2. This kid...

  3. Also, I'm going to hug so hard, y'all.

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  4. This is our fall tour! Will you be there? Joining our friends and !!

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  5. Also, that may quite possibly be my worst tweet ever.

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  6. When you make the decision and put the effort in to try to drink a lot of water, you realize, "crap, I really sucked at drinking water."

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  7. You stay classy, Bert Bielema. You stay classy.

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  8. Retuitat per
    28 ag.

    Reflecting on . I loved being with and almost as much as hearing talk about Montgomery.

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  9. LIVE on : ROF Shop Work & Q&A w/ Wes!

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  10. Retuitat per

    Got Periscope? We did one yesterday and thinking about it again today as & work on gear. Maybe Q&A? Thoughts?

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  11. LIVE on : Rush Of Fools Shop Work Day.

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  12. Wes Willis segueix i
  13. This is absolutely grotesque. Shame on him. RT Gadsden police discovered a 72-year-old woman in a…

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  14. I've got an Idea, , let's put the heads of in state Capitol. Balanced budget. Millions in surplus. No? :):):)

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  15. Have a goal. Write it down. Get determined. Work hard.

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  16. Finally worked up to 7 miles. No breaks. Averaging 10 minute (and some change) miles. Down 10 pounds and feeling great!

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  17. I usually try to keep my exercise comments off here...but I'm excited about this one! Have been running the last couple of months.

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  18. Love these guys and their heart for worship. And they're from Alabama. :) @ Frazer UMC

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  19. Retuitat per

    Jesus’ last prayer on Earth: “Father, make them one”. Join us TONIGHT at as we tear down the walls and worship as one Church!

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  20. Retuitat per

    Getting set up for . Montgomery, join us tonight at 7PM at Frazer UMC!

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