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  1. a perk of work at @twitter- the constant confectionary bribes:
  2. You know that I could use somebody / someone like you and all you know and how you speak.. ♫
  3. @dougw you're welcome
  4. It might not be the right time / I might not be the right one/But there’s something about us I want to say/Ca... ♫
  5. pants status: comfortable.
  6. A great explanation of how @foursquare is different than other social software by @alicetiara:
  7. Those who cannot automate tasks are condemned to repeat them.
  8. @lbm are you saying that @newtgingrich is a poor Capitalist?
  9. OH: Nobody wants to date a social media expert.
  10. taking a break from working on @twitter to watch @ev talk about @twitter on @oprah's show.
  11. also, people always seem to forget
  12. @quepol there's just a delay in the display of your following status. we're working on it.
  13. I am now following a BBQ smoker. My that, my following list is complete: @bensbigegg
  14. things I've done so far today: diff two diffs, patch a patch and revert a revert. later: drink a drink?
  15. @imogenheap is surprisingly tall
  16. At TwitterHQ about to hear fresh cuts from @imogenheap!
  17. Overheard: "...and then you get an accidental hamster-boner!"
  18. gonna be firing up the grill at the @kwcastle a bit later. DM if you want to join.
  19. Also, the @twoffice be bumpin'!
  20. Comedy sketch idea: Hillary Clinton as your wingman.


Allison Williams Alissa Rael Dornfest Zhanna Shamis Jay. Santosh Jayaram Sean Uberoi Kelly Doug Williams Twitter API Jessica Verrilli twii yukarim Twittah Engineering Matt Sanford John Kalucki kathryn13 Sean sfkbc emee Rudy Winnacker Del Pankaj Gupta Jillian West jacqueline zehe Cheryl Palarca Sightglass Coffee Mike Limon, DBA Susan Glenda B. Lost Weekend Video Rosanna Kendrick Jared Ben's Big Green Egg Jodi Stahly Kjerstin Sandquist Brian Pinkerton
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