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paul just left me at our new apt and told me to domesticate. i think i hate him.
this lack of a computer thing is making me crazy.
i took miles for a flu shot this morning. he did not flinch or cry or anything.
also. i think paul got me sick. this will teach me to love on a sick person. hmpf.
hooray for pizzelles. hope i spelled that right.
go ahead and judge me. i love to rock out to beyonce.
it's official. i'm in the market to buy a computer. let the mac/pc arguments commence.
well. i've been fighting with paul all afternoon. it's been an awesome day.
paul needs to grow a pair. seriously.
i should be getting a jump on next week's lesson. instead i'm facebooking and watching tv.
i am never going to be finished with these *bleeping* invitations. why am i being punished so?
no more favors for people
holy headache
paul is making salt pork for breakfast. ew.
my heart is heavy. and i am sad.
@dramalish certainly not. should have read: stupid mormon culture is the bane
mormons are the bane of my existence. ugh
you would think i would have figured out how not to OD on sweets to the point that i feel sick. sadly, no. i haven't.
paul is home. and suddenly the house is warm and not scary again.
okay. i'm a scaredy cat. i hate being home alone at night. where is paul???


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