Squid-Boy (Samuel "Sammy" Paré) is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe. He was a 10-year-old mutant, who was a student at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.
Created by writer Chuck Austen and artist Ron Garney, his first appearance was in Uncanny X-Men #410 (2002)
Sammy Paré was a 10-year-old Canadian boy whose genetic mutation caused him to physically resemble a fish. The physical nature of his mutation caused his classmates to ridicule him. Sammy considered using a gun he had obtained to shoot his tormentors, but before he could do so he was visited by Professor X and the Beast, who recruit him to enroll at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning in New York. The Beast and Professor X do this with full knowledge of the weapon Sammy is carrying around; he is convinced to give it up. Sammy, with his parents' approval, chooses to enroll at the school for mutants in order to pursue an education free from persecution.