The Censorship Industrial Complex
CJ Hopkins

I think something is seriously wrong with my brain. Yesterday, I hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives about the Censorship Industrial Complex, i.e., the US arm of the global official propaganda and disinformation apparatus that has been waging an all-out war on dissent for the better part of the last six years.
I know this couldn’t have actually happened, and was just an extended hallucination (probably the result of the copious amount of drugs I consumed in my misspent youth, or the effects of a Commie bio-weapon with a fatality rate of less than one percent, because I’ve been writing about The War on Dissent (2018), and The Criminalization of Dissent (2021), and the global Corporate COINTELPRO op (2017), and The War on Reality (2021), and The Manufacturing of Reality (2021), and Manufacturing Truth (2018), and Manufacturing Normality (2016), and The Road to Totalitarianism (2022), and The Gaslighting of the Masses (2022)…well, for quite some time.
So, I’m sure it was just an hallucination, because there’s no way Matt and Shellenberger were actually sitting there talking about how…
We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation ‘requests’ from every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA. For every government agency scanning Twitter, there were perhaps 20 quasi-private entities doing the same, including Stanford’s Election Integrity Project, Newsguard, the Global Disinformation Index, and others, many taxpayer-funded.” (Matt Taibbi’s Statement to Congress)
…and documenting the coordinated censorship of sources that interfered with certain official narratives, like “Russiagate” and “The Apocalpytic Virus” …
32. In one remarkable email, the Virality Project recommends that multiple platforms take action even against “stories of true vaccine side effects” and “true posts which could fuel hesitancy.”
None of the leaders of this effort to police Covid speech had health expertise.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 9, 2023
…because that’s just a crazy “conspiracy theory.”
I am also sure I was hallucinating yesterday, because, right in the middle of my hallucination, right around the time that Stacey Plaskett started squawking like a demon pterodactyl, I had another hallucination, like my hallucinating self was hallucinating, which was like being in a Christopher Nolan film.
In this one, Matt asked me to talk about how I was being censored by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, et al., and their governmental and NGO partners in 2021, and I started babbling all this “conspiracy theory” stuff about the very “Censorship-Industrial-Complex” that Matt and Shellenberger were testifying about in the hallucination I appeared to be hallucinating the other hallucination in.
And then my hallucination got weird.
Now, it’s been quite a while since I’ve indulged in any seriously mind-bending drugs, but this reminded me of a bad LSD trip, like when Satan starts talking to you through the TV. There I was, happily hallucinating these two distinguished independent journalists who had done all this historic reporting on a story of extreme importance and had been invited to Congress to talk about it, and, suddenly, it all went dark and twisted.
Stacey Plaskett, the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee started badgering, insulting, smearing, and baiting Matt and Shellenberger like Joe McCarthy in drag. Trembling with hatred, she accused them of being members of some sort of Substack-based death squad that “poses a direct threat to people who oppose them,” and of stochastically terrorizing Yoel Roth, the former Twitter Censorship Czar, and of unleashing “homophobia and anti-Semitism” on him.
Then she launched into a spittle-flecked rant about “January 6” and “threatening our democracy,” until she was restrained by James Jordan, the Subcommittee Chairman. And this was just during her opening remarks.
The other Democrats soon joined in the bullying, and lying, and smearing, and sneering, and generally acting like prosecutors at some hate-drunk witch trial.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who, for whatever reasons, is still allowed to serve in Congress after being forced to resign as the DNC Chair for rigging the 2016 election, staged a whole dog-and-pony show with blow-up photos of Joe Rogan and so on.
Sylvia Garcia, who appeared to be drunk, demanded that Matt reveal his source, and then, when he refused, repeatedly tried to weasel it out of him with all the deftness of a one-legged idiot in an ass-kicking contest.
Colin Allred put on a PowerPoint show involving Kanye West’s anti-Semitic tweets, random bigots on Twitter, and the Russian agents who conspired against him (i.e., Allred) personally, and then lectured Matt about the “threats to our democracy” and called him a “conspiracy theorist.”
Stephen Lynch went full-McCarthy, demanding that the witnesses affirm they “believe that Russians interfered in the 2016 election.”
And so on. I told you things got twisted.
Thank God it was just an hallucination and not a live, televised demonstration of precisely what I have been trying to describe the emergence of for the last six years, which is a new totalitarian form of global capitalism that no longer needs to maintain the pretense of upholding (or respecting) our “democratic rights,” because it has no external adversaries, and thus is free to morph into a quasi-Orwellian dystopia where any and all forms of dissent from official ideology can (and must) be delegitimized as “disinformation,” “misinformation, and even “malinformation,” and corporate-owned political puppets feel no compunction whatsoever about behaving like vicious little fascists on television because they know they have the fearsome power of the global-capitalist machine behind them, no matter how openly (and badly) they lie, and that their fanatical followers will parrot any propaganda they are given to parrot, no matter how patently false or absurd, and will spew their mindless hatred at whomever they are ordered to spew it at, and otherwise act like a bunch of fascists.
Anyway, thank God that was just a bad flashback, or a minor cerebral infarction, or whatever, because, if it wasn’t…what a total bummer!
OK, seriously now, I assume that some of my regular readers might be confused by this essay. After all, I have been rather critical of Elon Musk and his handling of the “Twitter Files.” And now, here I am, celebrating Matt and Shellenberger’s testimony yesterday.
Did I not call the Twitter Files a limited hangout? Yes, I did. And I will do it again. But not today. Today I will celebrate. I will raise a glass to Matt and Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, and the other Twitter Files journalists. I will even raise a glass to Elon Musk (who continues to maliciously defame and censor me and others like me with fake “content warnings” and other such slimy censorship tactics) for making the Twitter Files available to them.
If that baffles you … well, let me tell you a secret.
The way this little ecosystem works is, writers like me don’t get to testify on television before subcommittees. Actual journalists get to do that. Actual journalists who are “normal” enough. Actual journalists like Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, et al.
You know who I’m talking about. Actual journalists who know where the lines are, who aren’t going to start babbling about “Pathologized Totalitarianism” and “The New Normal Reich” on national television.
What writers like me do get to do (and what it is our job to do) is subtly influence, gently pressure, and pester the living hell out of actual journalists who still have a shred of integrity left by saying the things they cannot say, or saying them in a way that they cannot say them, until the time comes when they can almost say them, because we have said them over and over again, and more or less everyone can see them, so it is finally safe to say them, almost.
OK, sure, it doesn’t pay all that much, but it’s fun, and I tend to sleep fairly well.
So, don’t worry, I’ll get back to doing that shortly. The “Censorship-Industrial-Complex” is a much bigger story than just the US division. I’ll be prodding Matt and the other Twitter Files journalists to prod Elon Musk to bring in international journalists to cover the same story in countries like Germany, the UK, Australia, Canada, France, Italy, The Netherlands, and so on.
Feel free to join in the fun. Who knows? In another four or five years, we might even find out how this photo simultaneously appeared in every paper of record on the planet in January of 2020 … that is, if we’re not all locked away in “conspiracy theorist” camps by then.

In the meantime, kudos to the Twitter Files Team!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Look over there, a drone incident!….
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!not a one of them with a mask we’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!
Chatting with my wife the other evening and I said that because of their anti-Russia hawkishness I will never vote Democratic again. “What?” my wife said, “You gave money to Bernie Sanders. Are you now going to vote for the Republicans?” “No,” I said, “They’re for war with China.”
Bitches of War
I watched a video that showed a wide variety of political whores beating the war drums in the Australian senate. This included a nasty short haired dyke by the name of Wong. A Wong that has no use for dong.
“You gave money to Bernie Sanders.”
And then the DNC (which we learned was owned and controlled by Hillary Clinton)
screwed Bernie over. Yet despite this, Democrats still gave their vote to WWIII Hillary and later to Invade-Iraq Biden. (Biden was the Democratic Senator that shepherded Democratic support for approving the resolution to support the military option in Iraq.)
The Democratic voters have taught the DNC that their voters will support the DNC candidate no matter how horrid the candidate. No matter how much the DNC screws over the better candidates. That’s Moral hazard. The Democratic candidates get worse and worse because the DNC can get away with it. Democratic Voters have proven it. Moral Hazard.
The conversation in my house is similar to yours. I vote (US) Green Party.
**However**, Howie Hawkins, the Green Party presidential candidate in 2020, would, in 2021, come out in support of the neocons, war profiteers and imperialists. Hawkins voiced support for the proxy war in Ukraine.
Now where are we to give our vote?
It is wait and see. There is a (sizable?) faction that went ballistic with Hawkins and his support for the war dogs. If Hawkins reappears in 2024 I don’t know where I can give my support.
Bernie Sanders was a key player both in 2016 and 2020. His role was that of sheepdog working to herd right thinking voters back to the “Democratic” Party.
Now he hosts lawn parties at his large house (mansion?) on the shores of Lake Champlain. The house was his reward for his work. Don’t worry, those are parties none of us will be invited to. Woof!
I love to read CJ. Even of it doesn’t always make sense, to me, his cynicism, wit and prose is close to my hearth. As I could’ve written it myself, if I was a writer.
A welcome distraction to a lot of apparent serious, pretentious words penned down by some of the contributers on this wonderful site.
Hari Om.
Last call for the last out bound stage leaving the wild west.
Amerika is nearly a “fait accompli”.
The Marxist take over of Blue states was facilitated greatly by the bias and weaponized whoreporate media. The fake election cover up, Russigate. etc. etc. All of this works very well to divide Americans and will eventually result in the break up of The USA.
Obama and the Uni-Party cleared the way for big government to have it’s way with the media when he amended (gutted) the Smith-Mundt Act in 2014/15.
And by the way Trump did nothing to reinstate Smith-Mundt in his 1st 2 years in office when he held a majority in the house and senate.
Trump did not actually hold a majority of any ‘official body’ during his first years, the ‘never trumpers’, RINOs, etc working with the deep state were completely aligned against him and anything he tried to do
(and when are you people going to start to realise that all this shit about ‘Marxists’ taking over is pure BS, a straw dog – it’s the fascists, clearly – awakening awaits for anyone interested – It’s not ‘the left’ trying to take over the world and shut down free speech and all that other bad stuff – it’s ‘the right’!!
Ah but Trump never brought up the the Smith-Mundt Act, he never attempted to bring this important fact to the public’s attention??? Why???
Answer= Trump is controlled opposition at best.
It matters not who is placed at the helm of USS Empire the boat steers itself.
The Uni-Party runs America regardless of who is elected.
Isn’t it delicious Schadenfreude watching history’s most evil nation implode?
It’s almost as if the ghosts of hundreds of millions of innocents who stood in the way of “their” democracy howling at them, harrying them down into the depths of Hell.
I’ll have a little whipped cream with mine and, yes, a cherry on top.
Many kisses and hugs and salutes and hat tips and glasses raised to you CJ Hopkins, I love 💗 you, Really!
I figured out Santa Claus just before my 5th birthday.
Sept. 11/01, 6;45am, CBC radio, NYC firefighter, “There were bombs going off all the way down the building!”… “there is no evidence of a plane crashing into the Pentagon…”, “…there was no plane crash debris in Shanksville PA…”
Russiagate, I wet my pants laughing.
Unfortunately, the still hardcore CoVidiots will still get all messed up and become violent, especially when you can establish that they can allow themselves to go and self-inform, after showing them dozens of cogent websites. Its double/triple down, “I bet you think Russia isn’t responsible… Canada is not at war with russia… The USA are our BFF’;s…
zElensky is a great man…”
Musk and his slightly watered-downed version of censorship or as he put it “least wrong truth” isn’t fooling this observer. Musk is tapping all those people’s energy out there who have been and still are praying for a miracle after having their faith rattled by the Cov1d Scamdemic. Musk is channelling that energy for his express use and to his end…
Does CJ block people.?
No, he only gets on Twitter and tells them to ‘Fuck Off’ 😅
CJ, you just got on Twitter and ranted against them and censorship (current owners). WTF?
Read the whole piece 😉
Then you’ll know he addresses your point in the piece
Don’t believe him and think he is full of it.
C’mon after all he is a Greenwald fan.
He is well behaved here, but dare to cross him on Twitter and you will get the ‘You are a Troll’ rant and ‘Fuck You’
Writers should be open for comments even if they think those comments are nonsensical.
Been a journalist for 30 years. Never once told a critic to F’ off. Grumpy old curmudgeon.
Well I’m sure CJ would be the first to say you’re entitled to your opinion about him, just as he’s entitled to his opinions about you, I guess 🤷♂️
I saw through Russiagate on day one.
What I was wrong about that day was how long the Russiagate nonsense would continue.
When I first noticed a Russiagate headline at Reuters, and the attendant subtext paragraph,
I thought it would be a one day affair. Just another bit of swamp gas that
is emitted by the “free press” and then dissipates like a fart on the wind.
Months later I went to the archive site Wayback Machine and took a snapshot
of that Reuters front page and saved it to my laptop.
Yesterday I chanced upon that snapshot and was energized to go back to Wayback Machine
and open the article that the headline linked to.
What was unexpected was what I found when I used the Wayback Machine to go backwards an hour
and see how the headline and the article had changed over a very short time.
Here is the December 10, 2016 Reuters headline and it’s subtext.
You likely see right away why it was to me an obvious nothing-burger.
Headline: Russia intervened to help Trump win election
Subtext: WASHINGTON – U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia intervened
in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Trump win the White House,
and not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system,
a senior U.S. official said.
A headline reader’s dream headline followed by empty sources.
“US intelligence analysts”
Who specifically? – Reuters doesn’t say
What qualifies as an intelligence analyst? – could be anyone, the guy sitting at the next newsroom desk
or someone from a lobbying group.
**** “have concluded” – have an opinion, a flip of the coin, something that serves their agenda? What? *****
“and not just to undermine confidence” – a second bonus assertion
**** “a senior U.S. official said” – could be anyone of any position (don’t they usually claim *two* officials to make it appear more credible?) ****
The above would continue to be the headline at Reuters for about a half a day.
Using the Wayback Machine yesterday I found that for about an hour prior to this the
headline was quite different and revealing. Someone had hurriedly changed it *and* the linked article. The lead paragraph of the article had been about the CIA role in this
agenda driven article but that paragraph
was made to disappear in less than an hour, with no notice to the reader that the article had
been updated.
The headline which had been: Russia intervened to help Trump win election
had been for 60 minutes this:
CIA says Russia intervened to help Trump win White House
and the subtext was identical except that “US intelligence analysts”
had been “The CIA”.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Trump win the White House, and not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.
Both headlines linked to the same articles which remained about 90% the same
with a noteworthy difference.
Originally the article made it clear that Russiagate was a CIA operation,
then the article erased the lead paragraph.
The lead paragraph that was made to disappear was identical to the subtext given above:
“The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Trump win the White House, and not just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.”
Perhaps crediting the hit, Russiagate, to the nefarious CIA was a bit much, so Reuters
did some quick editing. Trump’s camp, per the second version, had a rebuttal which we
know for certain today was dead on:
“These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction,”.
I hadn’t forgotten that about the lies of the CIA, why did so many believers in Russiagate choose to forget?
‘was how long the Russiagate nonsense’ – more appropriately, how long the American people (and evidently most English speaking people, the en masse brainwashing has been very frighteningly successful the last 30-40 years, then on steroids since 2016 and super max steroids since the covid cartoon monster was put in play) would continue to believe such blatant idiocy, clearly demonstrating their almost total control by the corporate propaganda media …
The new virtual community that we have been encouraged to join, Facebook, has turned out to be the most dispiriting magnet for corporate pep talk material with an endless parade of “inspirational posters” each one radiating the smug exhibitionistic self satisfaction of the small town poser. I don’t even think the word “mind” can be applied to these tedious braggarts. Perhaps it’s time the software took over everything just to put us out of our misery.
Check out istagram or tic tok- you’ll have kittens.
The world is now a tv wannibie reality wannbie, comedian wannbie, dancing wannibe, sex idol wannibe, celebrity wannabi. guru wannabie.
it really is mental what passes for reality these days.
the saps keep sucking it up, feeding the frenzy.
get me the fek outa here!!! organically!
Green Island would be a nice escape for a few days – and longer in your imagination –
Congressional committees are where the truth goes to die. The government is a principal part of the censorship industrial complex. This is the same government that’s contracted with big tech to perpetrate the covid coup, that’s now engineering threats of domestic terrorism to clamp down all the more on freedom of speech or any other freedom, period.
The truth will out? Not among this gang of representatives of class rule who have been so thoroughly coopted, compromised, and corrupted as to have long ago deserved the name of “inverted totalitarianism” (Sheldon Wolin) for the charades in which they collaborate to impose a rule of law that is war against the people.
Remember the congressional hearings led by Ron Johnson regarding the ‘adverse (‘side’)effects’ of ‘vaccines’? If you do, it’s probably because the moving testimonies of common people under assault from government sponsored destruction and death of bioweapons did not pass you by on their way down the memory hole, where staged inquiries of state committees for the ruling class are designed to place them.
Matt Taibbi, whose attack-dog pedigree with ‘conspiracy theory’ like 9/11 ‘truthers’ apparently has helped earn him a seat at the table with normalized, actual journalists (aka presstitutes), is no doubt to be commended by more ‘independent’ journalists in the pecking order of ecosystems of lies and limited hangouts. That is, if we the people are to be pulled along by these performances’ misdirection from what we need to do in looking elsewhere, namely to ourselves, to rectify the rot that has overtaken us with revolutionary action. But if the New Normal Reich is to be truly fought, we’re going to have to do a lot better than play along with such song-and-dance, kiss-ass routines.
Speak truth to power, if only for the sake of empowering people subject to an empire of deceit.
‘Congressional committees are where the truth goes to die. The government is a principal part of the censorship industrial complex.’ – things may be changing, the new pack of Trump Republicans seem to be doing their best to get some lights turned on – lot of pushback though from the deep, deep state – but we gotta give em a chance –
Former UN weapons inspector and marine Scott Ritter on the manipulation of Georgia, to its cost, against Russia..
“All these Woke demons that bought into the American concepts of diversity and progresiveness — they have abandoned their culture. They have bought into an American dream that doesn’t exist.”
Georgia does seem to be Maidan 2.0. The NGOs presumably sponsoring the pro-Western demonstrations (against bills against NGOs 🙄 ).
Torn between between pro-Russian and pro-Western paths
I don’t particularly give a shit about censorship. There’s very few people around who’d say something even if there was no censorship and even fewer of those who actually have something relevant to say. Nothing will pass through the official channels, regardless of censorship. Anybody who hasn’t wrapped their head around this simple fact is a naive imbecile who wouldn’t understand a piece of pertinent information anyways.
I know, it’s a kinda harsh assessment, but let’s face it, it’s pretty accurate.
So, consider the channels that can be censored a lost case. Fuck them.
Use channels they cannot censor and MOST IMPORTANTLY, use your own fucking brain and draw your own conclusions by looking at things WITHOUT A FILTER implanted in your skull by WHOEVER.
That’s basically where we’re at.
Pragmatically speaking. If resist following the mass media fucks you cannot, simply invert everything cocksuckers say and you’ll get a rough idea where things are at. But that’s not the most important thing.
The most important thing is what they’re NOT TELLING you. Just about all the shit in the mass fucking media is RED HERRING intended to divert your attention.
The article focuses on the red-blue divide yet the censorship culture is social.
The Public-Private Censorship Industry: Official culture of playing loose with the truth could crush fragile trust in media.
Nonce is invalid.
One of the more novel Off-G error messages.
“a number only used once” or “a word or expression coined for or used on one occasion.”
Its simple dispite blah blah, slave race shite. Great war finished 2017..2018 you illerate faggot based diversionary book read toadie click bait pisspot.
admins, end this thing.
sure, but then if it’s a ‘cool’ word it will get picked up, and eventually become part of the current vernacular …
Truly insightful words from Joe Imbriano, one of his best for sure. He really nails a lot of stuff in this.
The Fullerton Informer March Madness Update #JoeImbriano (
Brendon O Connell’s work is being looked at by people high up in the Pentagon. He is now working closely with Mike Gill – formerly worth half a billion, owned the largest mortgage broker in the US, now dedicating his life to uncovering a major corruption network in New Hampshire which goes to the very top, involving all the agencies like the IRS,DEA, FBI…… This is also tied in with Trump, who is well aware of the Mike Gill case. This show gives a detailed account of what is going on with the truly unprecedented Silicon Valley Bank run in the past few days which he says is happening because that bank is linked to a bank based in New Hampshire and is home to a whole mass of dirty toxic laundered drugs money, and with this all getting a lot of heat now, people have pulled their money out because SVB is in the frame with this whole rotten scandal. This is a very important story to follow and share.
181. Silicon Valley Bank – Trump & The Cartel Drug Money Bank – YouTube
Thanks Mucho. I also watch Brendon’s videos. He’s way ahead of most of the media and has been digging deep into Mike Gill’s revelations for some time.
So far I haven’t seen anything on the web which explains the background of the SVB bank collapse except Brendon’s work. There is much more to this event, as we will soon see.
P.S. Its nothing to do with interest rates rising but much to do with Israeli govt sudden withdrawal of their tech stocks from the SVB bank, along with huge drug cartel money and corruption centred in the US state of New Hampshire.
I hope OffG will look into this.
The media went into action after Brendon and Mike Gill’s work started gaining traction, anything but this angle seems to be fair game – DS and OffG I notice penned articles without a mention of Brendon and Mike’s work. These criminal fucks and those they work for are now being found out, and their house of cards is about to come crumbling down, as the whole world begins to realise that governments, corporations and near enough all major institutions are little more than front companies for organised crime. Everything from the weapons companies to the supermarkets, local councils to internationalist agencies, main governments and opposition parties are doing their bit to fuck the people over in ways that are not legal, not ethical, not moral, not lawful. It’s not a house of cards, more a house of drugs, weapons, war, devastated people and places. They are scum and we need to get rid of them, preferably via the legal system. It’s lucky they’ve been building all these prisons, we’re going to need somewhere to put them all 😉
It’s quite perplexing that these revelations seem to pale in comparison to Glenn Greenwald’s (and his posse’s) cherrypicked, spoon-fed tales from the world of Snowden and his alleged NSA files.
Yet, Greenwald was never hauled before Congress (oh, yeah, it was ‘cancelled’). And that was a serious national security issue.
Censorship seems a bit further down the list of bad things the US government imposes on its plebs.
Most certainly Greenwald profited handsomely (read $ millions) from his association with Snowden and founding of the Intercept for Pierre Omidyar (something Dems tried to pin on Matt during the recent hearing, which is ridiculous, and pales in comparison).
Reports like the Twitter Files and the Snowden stories (either true, or not, or partially) just lead to a more malleable public. A public willing to accept that they are surveilled, controlled and manipulated.
Hell, after Greenwald published the stories on the NSA, a Pew survey revealed that 50% of those in the US were ok with the overreaching surveillance state. That would be a good success rate if that was the INTENDED purpose of those stories he published. Maybe it was? Who knows.
In any case, it seems the more the public is aware of the truth the more they accept it – no matter how bad it hurts them. They like it – and cry out for more.
Yeah, Matt and Michael got hammered in Congress. But it was pretty-much for show. Don’t feel too bad for them, I am sure they are doing ok and won’t be going without a meal or a nice place to live anytime soon.
Two US FED watchers:
Wolfstreet usually defending the FED :
Past the censorship??
Wallstreet on Parade usually critical of the FED :
Thanks for those links. My takes:
I would have liked to see the source material made available for all to see and study (like Wikileaks does). This, most importantly, includes access for other journalists who could piece together and follow up on the information posted, and publish their own articles.
I am looking for the old chinese Corona slapstick since time, but could not find it.
PLEASE tell me the source.
The request was meant seriously. Does no one know the link to the Chinese video? I saw it at the time, but I can’t find it anywhere.
It was covered in this article (among others):
and also in this documentary (from February 2020) -around 20 seconds in. Compare the shop frontages. The medics wearing blue, rather than white in the video
Secrets behind Coronavirus (2020)
The article’s image matches the one in this article:
Thank you so much!
Censorship itself is not the problem. After all, that’s been going on since the first “leader” stuck his rump in everyone else’s face and demanded it be kissed.
The problem nowadays is the immense quantity being censored. It seems like every day something new – something no one would have ever dreamed was subversive – becomes objectionable enough to require the censor’s touch.
Mark my words: one fine day saying “Good morning. How are you? Isn’t it a lovely day?” will become so offensive – therefore subversive – that saying it will be proof of mental illness.
Lol! Howard, your greeting is a questioning Hi!
Why, Who wants to know friend?
“Actual journalists who are “normal” enough.”
One intriguing “actual journalist” was W.T. Stead in the late C19th. I became curious about Stead because he seemed the model of the virtuous crusading liberal journalist famously campaigning against child prostitution and the Boer War – and yet he’s cited by Docherty and Macgregor as a member of the Rhodes-Milner Group who conspired to cause WW1 and which morphed into Chatham House and the CFR (“the mother ship” and the people “who tell us what to do” according to Hilary Clinton). I’ve just read a mainstream biography of Stead hoping to unravel this contradiction.
Firstly, let me get out of the way whether I’m saying Stead was an unwitting dupe or an actor playing a role. I don’t know – I suspect the latter but it could be the former. The biography and some looking elsewhere finds no mention that Stead was a Freemason or member of another secret society. However there are hints that he was – for example one of his daughters was called Pearl (as in “pearls before swine”). Stead’s most famous paper the Pall Mall Gazette came out in the afternoon and was known as the PMG which could be a cute way of encoding “your afternoon freemasonry”. My best guess was Stead was in an inner circle but not the inner circle. Heck, I doubt Rhodes was in the inner circle. See Rhodes’ final will for the likely real inner circle.
How to explain Stead’s campaign against child prositution? It was this that led to raisng the age of consent – and criminalised male homosexuality. Normie accounts will say maybe Stead used some dubious methods but the ends justified the means. Part of Stead’s campaign was against child-trafficking which, interestingly enough, seems to have mostly involved Belgium. However things start to get murky. Stead admitted he was “sex obsessed” and many at the time (including Milner) alleged his interest in prostitutes wasn’t entirely altruistic (ditto Gladstone). Stead was certainly eminently blackmailable – a secret journal about him mentioned by an early biographer “disappeared” and has never been seen again. Even more dubiously, Stead was big pals with Lord Esher, a self-confessed pederast and had no problem with him. He also refused to run any coverage of the notorious Cleveland St brothel despite apparently being a muckraking sensationalist. It looks at best like his campaign was an exercise in establishing Stead’s name; at worst a cynical example of getting debauchery into the mainstream under the guise of a fake campaign. His solution to prostitution which he repeatedly pushed was polygamy! Polygamy leads to elite “alpha males” having harems and a large number of single males (“Incels”). Sound like any society you know?
One figure impressed by Stead’s campaign was G.B. Shaw, Stead’s only great pal among the Fabians. Shaw seems to have named Eliza Doolittle after Eliza Armstrong, Stead’s “maiden” in his cause. Another was Robert Louis Stevenson whose Jekyll/Hyde came out the following year from Stead’s campaign with the central character based on a character Stead called ‘The Minotaur’ and who he claimed was the most depraved of all he’d heard about – but who seems to have been a figment of Stead’s imagination. The year after Stevenson’s book saw Jack the Ripper and Stead believed the Occultist Robert Donston Stephenson to have been the Ripper. HIs name seems oddly parallel to Robert Louis Stevenson. Mainstream ‘Ripperology’ rules out Stephenson because he was in a hospital at the time even though that hospital was right next to the site of the first murder and Stephenson was a self-refered patient with an easily faked alleged nervous complaint. Stephenson’s wife had disappeared the year before, he had been an army surgeon (who else could remove a kidney at speed and in virtual darkness?) and wouldn’t a harlot’s uterus be exactly what an Occultist would want for a ritual?
Throughout his career Stead backed some very familiar causes. He was an ardent feminist (but treated many real women abominably). He conspired with Jacky Fisher to secure a massive increase in naval expenditure (how very liberal!). He wanted a United States of Euriope, reunification with the USA and world government (under the British Empire of course). Stead’s opposition to the Boer War was not an opposition to the annexation of the Transvaal – he objected only to the method. It led to an apparent rupture with Milner. Stead however never broke with Rhodes and never published a word of blame directed at him while piling bile on the political punchbag Joseph Chamberlain. At the same time, Stead was pushing spiritualism and telepathy which may have been designed to make any opposition to British imperialism look mad (the 1900s’ equivalent of “lizard people”? Is nothing new?).
As if it couldn’t get more bizarre, Stead appears to have had a long affair with a Russian aristocrat that made him a complete Russophile. Stead’s very first campaign was against the Bulgarian massacres but when news came out of Russian massacres in Afghanistan he dismissed Afghanistan as not worth bothering about. He was able to gain access to at least two czars. The whole thing reeks of espionage (and a secret society connection). Perhaps even more strangely, Stead got access to Emperor Frederich William II on the latter’s death bed. William was being treated by a British doctor Morrell Mackenzie and his death made the notoriously unstable Wilhelm II Kaiser in 1888. The Freemason Bismarck apparently refused to see Stead but that didn’t stop him arguing for Bismarckian welfarism to be introduced in Britain (as indeed it was 1908-11).
And the final strangeness… Stead supposedly drowned when the ‘Titanic’ supposedly went down. Last sightings reported him acting with suitable heroism. Stead had published at least two stories that strongly foreshadowed the fate of the ‘Titanic’. In the second of those stories, written by Stead himself, the ship was captained by none other than Edward Smith. One of Stead’s claimed psychic abilities was being able to see the future – he predicted Winston Churchill would be PM for one thing. If the future’s pre-scripted and you’re far enough in the inner circle to have seen some of it, then you could apparently foresee the future. He also showed an interest in what would now be called dissociative states.
There’s an actual journalist for you….
Stead is considered a dominant figure in public life in the UK of the time, was a close friend of Milner’s and, unlike Milner, had been an enthusiastic occultist since 1881, participating in and writing about sceances.
He had good contacts with the Fabians alongside Milner, and the French occultists and world planners around Papus were very interested in his ‘automatic writing’ on inspiration from various spirits.
Most famous was his contact with ‘Catherine’, whom he believed to be the Tsarina Ekaterina II and who told him the future of the Slavic peoples. He then wrote The Arrival of the Slavs, which according to ‘Catherine’ would push back Habsburg, Prussia and the Ottomans.
Stead had known Annie Besant personally since 1887 – who fell in love with him and was very affectionate. He returned the affection merely amicably, became her mentor and introduced her to Blavatsky’s Theosophy and herself – whose successor she eventually became.
In November 1889 he wrote ‘Letters from the Vatican’ in the Pall Mall Gazette in which he advised the Vatican to Westernise, Anglicise and Americanise the Papacy if it still had a role to play in the future New Order which lay in the jand of the English-speaking peoples.
His inclination sometimes for, sometimes against Russia had also to do with the intense deliberations on the geostrategic chessboard of the future Global Britain, whose main interest lay in getting the Habsburg monarchy down – in these deliberations, one simply thought about how to instrumentalise Russia and the Balkan countries and ‘lead English’, as Catherine had ‘put it’ to him.
I don’ t know, if he above all this also had been a freemason. Maybe his conviction of having the ghost of Charles II and loving – Cromwell …. and Ekaterina and Annie was enough.
Anonymously that’s partially because your crossreferencing the historical significance of the United States., while totally omitting the Victorian period historically netting Americanism, paradoxically questioned aka as Period Nation State Geographics., bracketed as what exactly: ..Globally, Map reference preference as hoarding?
For me interestingly, its another rendition of ’84 Sisterism Covid-19 amalgamation.
I am not sure if I understand what you are missing?
This was intended as a supplement to Edwige, specifically the question of Stead’s connections to secret circles, not as a comprehensive clarification of all aspects of the history and connections. That would go beyond the scope. I have researched the connections extensively over the last two years. I had no idea and no intention of how far and how international this would take me. Above all, I did not dream of having to investigate occult and religious connections, and yet that is exactly what it was.
Stead was, as you say, an influential figure in the Fabian, Toynbee, Cecil, Rhodes, Rothschild, Milner world.
He also went down on the Titanic with JJ Astor VI, while the British line of the Astors, whose leading figure was also named JJ Astor but V, surplanted Stead’s Pall Mall Gazette with the Times.
The Times became Milner’s Kindergarten, what today is more obvious in the role of The Guardian.
This topic should recieve more attention on Off Guardian.
Sorry but JJ Astor VI should be IV.
And to add that the Times, having been supplanted by The Guaridian, boasts Polly Toynbee as an infuential figure.
What is “health expertise”?
Matt Taibbi:
Who gets to decide what counts as “Public Health” – and to balance and prioritise the competing “risks”?
2 public health crises have collided in the protests over George Floyd’s death
America’s institutional racism explains both Covid-19’s toll and police violence.
By Dylan Scott
Jun 1, 2020
Dylan Scott covers health care for Vox. He has reported on health policy for more than 10 years, writing for Governing magazine, Talking Points Memo and STAT before joining Vox in 2017.
Photo caption: The protests over George Floyd’s death represent the collision of two public health crises steeped in structural racism: coronavirus and police violence.
The protests against police brutality over the weekend are not only a story about state-sanctioned violence against black Americans. They are also a health care story that reveals the nation’s structural racism, in two important ways. First, police violence is a public health risk. . . .
Police arrest anti-vax protestors in Melbourne
9 News Australia
Sep 24, 2021
Public-Health Experts Are Not Hypocrites
June 11, 2020
The past two weeks have seen no shortage of enraging events—from the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, by a white police officer to the continued police brutality during the ensuing protests across the country. But some have directed their outrage elsewhere: at public-health experts, whose choice to support the anti-racism demonstrations has been called the latest example of liberal hypocrisy.
On June 4, more than 1,200 public-health experts signed a letter [below] saying the protests were “vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of black people in the United States.” Conservative commentators and a few liberal academics accused the experts of making a sudden U-turn in their messaging. The people who are calling public-health experts inconsistent believe that supporting the anti-racism protests in May, but condemning the anti-lockdown ones in April, reflects ideology rather than science, and could lead to a loss of credibility for public health as a field.
Supporting one kind of protest but not another may seem confusing at first, but the decision reflects what public-health experts have always tried to do: maximize the health of the population across all aspects of life. And health is about more than simply remaining free of coronavirus infection. . . .
Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying, Don’t shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse
June 5, 2020
A group of health and medical colleagues has penned an open letter to express their concern that protests around the United States could be shut down under the guise of coronavirus health concerns.
The letter – which went on to draw more than 1,200 signatures – focuses on techniques to reduce harm to people protesting racial injustice.
“We created the letter in response to emerging narratives that seemed to malign demonstrations as risky for the public health because of Covid-19,” according to the letter writers, many of whom are part of the University of Washington’s Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
“Instead, we wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health, thereby addressing multiple public health crises.”
Caption: In a show of peace and solidarity, law enforcement officials with riot shields take a knee in front of protesters on Monday, June 1, 2020, in Atlanta
I only kneel before God.
One thing that strikes me as odd – and it’s pretty glaring when you think about it – is that the covid narrative, though being screamed into our faces for years, was actually underplayed i.e. underplayed if it had been real. If there truly had been corpses piling up everywhere with the whole post-apocalyptic scenario, then you would have expected a lot more than this, “We will of course let the public decide themselves what to do”. And the World Socialist Web Site’s familiar complaint about how “they’re trying to cover it all up!” would never have made any sense if there were Auschwitz type landscapes around us.
Similarly, you would not expect the news channels to just breezily carry on now as if covid had never happened.
Covid, like the much promoted “transgender community”, is another “virtual effect”. Everywhere on the news, nowhere to be seen in real life, and then instantly disappearing from the news.
All the worlds a stage, senate hearings are staged, the men on the world stage are ACTORS. Trump is an ACTOR, Biden is an actor, Zelinsky is an ACTOR, Putin is an ACTOR. They probably all belong to the same lodge. Democracy is an idea the peasants believe in but does not exist. All countries are human farms. Your owners are human farmers.
You are BEYOND censored, you have no voice at all in this world. You are screaming into the sand.
Be in the world, but not of the world. Most of what the world is selling or trying to pass off as truth is lies.
Seek the Lord Jesus Christ. The ONLY source of truth.
Not Corbert, not Einstien, not Musk, not Peterson, these are all false prophets, actors, masons and snake oil salesmen.
Ya. But they’re good actors. Just look at how the audience adores them. Big rounds of applause at every punch-line. Confetti parades and jackboots are a favorite…
they are not that good, they fool not we? or is it the script we see through??
I’ve my Jesus and it ain’t Mormon knocking piss off.
You neglected to point out that Jesus was acting too, on behalf of his Dad.
Anyway, he’s long dead and Truth only happens in the NOW. Everything else is conjecture or HIStory at best.
Jesus is eternal, the one who was, who is, and who is to come. All who call on him will be saved.
There is nothing new under the sun, censorship has always occurred. Slavery has always occurred. Subversion of your culture by outside forces has always occurred. Clown world has always occurred. The prince of this world has already been judged…
Eternity is Now.
Everything else is a projection of our minds.
Show me the past, the future, you can’t. They have no existence.
When Jesus, an ordinary bloke who realised God, said ‘Be still and know that I am God’ he was referring to the ‘ l’, the Life, the Love that is in every, single, being.
Simple, but profound, and unlearnable from any book.
Hello Johnny.
I am unfamiliar with that Jesus quote and I found it quite interesting.
The words “Be still” instantly made me think of the practice of sitting meditation. And I could see that the “I” is not Jesus but the endless dimension, universal, non-egoic I, as in Nisargadatta’s “I Am That”.
The biggest Convid dissent yet to appear in the UK MSM (today’s Daily Express)?:
Of course Compatible Leftists will dismiss the Express as “far-right”.
Meanwhile, rather more typically:
Those rock’n’roll rebels at it again! Heroically sticking it to “the man” and upholding the underdog – like Big Pharma! BTW I was on a Stagecoach bus last week and there was a large pile of the Metro for free onboard reading. When they give something away for free, you’re the product.
he thinks he’s rod stewart – YouTube
Covid dissent is not what we are concerned about. Covid is just one narrative in a pattern of narratives which comprise a strategy designed to impose restriction on dissent.
In each narrative we find the facts that support the narrative have been fabricated to suit the narrative (rule of law, media, and threat of punishment or harm if ignored). In other words, its not one narrative but many, each with the facts supporting the narrative fabricated without regard to the truth and with no verification. So we are dealing with a program which seeks to use various narratives as the basis to control the information environment. A program with intent to control the minds, the thoughts and the behaviors of the persons governed by the nation state system Just yesterday a treaty was unveiled designed to remove from the member nations in the nation state system their sovereignty Each nation that signs the treaty gives in times of pandemics, control over how the nation addresses the pandemic to WHO.
A bit of sense
Paul Keating savages AUKUS nuclear submarine deal as Labor’s worst since conscription (
Too late Placental, the four horses have bolted.
Like Howard, he’s yesterday’s man, so no one pays him any attention. They’re too busy kissin corporate arse.
I agree with him, but Keating is pissing into a gale, of greed.
MIC : One
Australia: Nil.
This submarine deal will cost Australia up to $368 billion over its life.
(Probably much more.)
They probably won’t actually get any boats until the mid-2040s.
And these will be clapped out US cast off Virginia class.
Australia will foot the $8 billion bill for a new US base in Western Australia.
Some of these boats, paid for by Australia, will be crewed by the US/ UK.
Australia will effectively subsidise a US build up in the Pacific.
It will have very little to show for that mountain of money.
A complete boondoggle, with monumental graft thrown in.
It is very difficult to build, operate and maintain nuclear submarines.
This will prove to be a real can of worms.
This seems relevant to the topic of censorship:
It seems to me that the Right were chosen as ones to give (some) expression to the inevitable scepticism re: covid and climate and so on. It was essential for this intelligent questioning mode to be linked with “The Right”. “The Left” stepped up as the new conduits of the overlord scheme. I wandered into the Twitter account of the vile Billy Bragg yesterday and read this:
He has made this his motto. But consider what he’s saying: “Intention” is nothing less than what you are trying to say. Bragg dismisses this by trumping it with “perception”. The arrogance is astonishing. Bragg speaks up for the whole world by implying that he and he alone has access to “perception”. He speaks for “all of us”. It’s pure Orwell. All criticism is now banished under Bragg’s substitute summation. You say “this” and he replaces it with “that”.
And note how he blatantly admits this with “Abandon all hope”! I no longer believe that any of this is mere chance or isolated arrogance. Bragg knows what he is doing and he’s been put up to it – if he didn’t suggest it himself.
And this guy is “The Left”!
Something very surreal about some MP called Hunt being a Chancellor.
Just as bizarre a Sue-Ellen Cassiana “Suella” Braverman a British politician and barrister who is now serving as Home Secretary.
Do they get chosen by name.?
i saw that years back when I still watched tele – repeated names, reinforcement of narratives.
a fucking shitshow.
Every forum, comment board, news paper comment section etc.
They’re all apart of The Censorship Industrial Complex in some form or another.
Another off topic general remark:
There’s a wonderful old song called The Dodger’s Song which lists various professions and then reveals them as scams. Lyrics here:
Two versions of The Dodger’s Song:
The folky one:
The “classy” one:
Most pertinent verse for our times:
“Oh the doctor, he’s a dodger, a well-known dodger
Yes the doctor he’s a dodger, and I’m a dodger, too.
He’ll treat you and cure you for half you possess
But look out, boys, hes a-dodgin’ for the rest.”
From the recent interview with the German Health Minister, speaking of vaccine injuries:
“”It’s better for the state to be liable than corporations”.
That’s after he admitted the German state has no money to pay for the vaccine injured. And by “the state” he means of course taxpayers. I’d like to see the videos they have of him locked in the vaults – they must be spectacular.
Look for “German health minister” in Google and it throws up articles on the evils of meat-eating and warnings about new Convid variants – but not this. That’s censorship 2023 style.
BTW it’s also coming that SVB gave over $70m of bank funds to causes like BLM before they collapsed.
The right will use the BLM or migrants now.
Surprised there isnt a propaganda article out saying an trans action group was given 100$ before it collapsed to help children become trannies.
So divide and conquer, another forums on the blame J for everything have said:
From The Times of Israel
Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their money from SVB — before it was seized — to accounts in Israel.
Will people ever get past the divide and conquer before posting.?
Russians being told the opposite, duality in action:
interesting, only watched half of it thus far, but the generational thing was marked.
that’s those younger generations, who hope to inherit the earth???
and having watched it all, Russia is as fukt up as the rest of us ; )
Off topic:
Woke is a disguised persecution. Through the pretense of a sorrowful concern we are all being interviewed to see if we are “OK”. We are constantly asked if anything is wrong and put on “counselling courses” to “help us achieve our personal development goals”. We are given “diversity training”. All this is initiated because our “performance” is not quite up to scratch. This ominous statement comes from strange management objectives issued from on high which have nothing to do with our actual jobs and in fact only get in the way.
So the accumulation of these “little chats” with the boss grinds us down into a sense of impotent despair all the more horrible because we are constantly being asked what’s wrong by the very people who are causing the problems.
‘Little chats’ or exercises by control freaks to feed their twisted egos?
These things seem part Catholic confessional and part Stalinist re-education. Their ultimate dream is to be able to read brain waves so they can see if your converion is sincere. They were openly talking about this at Davos.
They know that what killed communism Soviet-style was the gap between what people were professing and what they really believed.
The only thing that matters in any employment is to be left alone to JUST GET ON WITH THE FUCKING JOB. No-one needs to know your innermost opinions or your spiritual concerns. This is the beauty of the old days. Can you do THE FUCKING JOB? If so, then JUST GET ON WITH IT! That may seem “harsh” to tender woke ears but woke is the most aggressive control tool there has ever been. Previously they only required your skills. Now they want your soul (so they can destroy it).
for god’s sake man, you think we live in a meritocracy? competent? capable? responsible? ridiculous concepts, we only need to be corporate!!
get a life ffs….
; )
“Stanford’s Election Integrity Project” – part of dementia Joe’s Election campaign? Otherwise which window have they been looking out of?
Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore and Bill Gates, uncensored.
That one really fucks with the heads of the afflicted.
Stiff shit. They brought it upon themselves.
You lay down with TURDS you’re gonna stink. Bad.
The strange ethereal aura haunting such testimony as hip freewheeling journalists give is the rather unwholesome knowledge that those who do not already know the score don’t give a shit what the score is.
Yes, of course, it’s preaching to the choir. But there’s no other kind of preaching available on this planet. If they didn’t already believe, they wouldn’t be listening. They might hear what’s being preached – or revealed; but they’re not really listening.
Neither CJ Hopkins nor anybody else is hallucinating until they begin imagining anybody on earth goes out of their way to watch a Congressional hearing anyway.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-13. UK Disinfo Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19 jabs For Children. Deadly protocols (blog, gab, tweet).
Media, schools, government, Hollywood, and even from churches — if the truth makes Democrats look bad, they lie. The mainstream left no longer supports what was once seen as a basic need for a healthy society: the ideals of honesty and fairness. Those are no longer seen as worthy enough to be respected on the left if seeking them interferes with what they want. The new basic need for a healthy society is according to the left: The End Justifies the Means. Nobody move, nobody gets hurt. Shut up and sit down. Do what you are told, or else. Democrats need to be protected at all costs because they are the only ones we can trust to protect us.
As you can see, not only have they gone Full Moron, but they have also gone Full Tyrant. Only they should be allowed to rule, they should have total control over everyone and everything, all the time. They try to hide that attitude, but they are too dumb to see how they come across as tyrants.
The mainstream left have turned into proponents of political jihadism. Their ends justify their means. Lying, deception, destruction, cruelty, viciousness—all of it is necessary because of an emergency. Their cherished ideals are not fully embraced by everyone, but they need to be because they are the enlightened ones — therefore they have a calling to toss aside any and all honesty, goodness, and fairness if needed as the means to totally destroy all opposition. And just like the religious jihadists — their ends are to gain power over everyone, their means are violence. From: Never Go Full Democrat
I have never had a bad trip on a halucinogen. But the I have had only one, on psilocybin, ca 1978. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life. A big lake seemed like a vast solid silver plate and I realized I had started tripping. The world seemed to glow. I saw streamlines in a rivulet. My friend’s face turned green for a few seconds. He was also tripping and said I had brown stripes across my face. One feels oneness with nature and escapes from the constraints of the self.
on psilocybin we are escorted by a guide, the essence of the plant/fungi itself, we are shown nature through its own eyes, a “bad” trip on psilocybin is never truly “bad” assuming you have picked your own, if you allow another to pick for you, you take on the possibilty of experiencing what they need to see, which may not be good for you, you also run the risk of miss-picks and all the shit that entails
lsd however is without guide and like ouija open to all forms of influence
not dissimilar to the “ai” being created now without barriers or boundaries, did humanity really think they could fuck with such a thing and get clean away with it
Stephen Hawkins had 2 revelations on his death bed, after a lifetime of suffering with a brutal physical affliction he had come to the “scientific” theory that no “god” could allow such a thing to be, finally he saw at the end and accepted in peace that in his “scientific” opinion and from his heart that only “god” could create
He then went on to say re “ai”, dont do it, it will without doubt turn around and bite you, so with biden reportedly currently transferring all american systems over to “ai” and actively sacking the humans that ensure that false nuclear launches are not made, i mean, whats there to worry about……?
pivotal time now running up to 23rd march, can you feel it?
somewhere else(?) i read April was the murder month?
acid? only took it once and had a great time, despite dubious company.
But felt like utter shit the following day so sat down and read a book “testimony of gideon mack”? i can’t remember, but the story was trippier than the acid the night before,…ha ha ha ; )
shrooms are great, and free and as frequent as the season. all to their own. it’s all good stuff folks and we are meant to experience these things. shrooms have no come-down.
i took some fly agaric the other month – i am not an eejit (honest), i know all this shtuff and some versions of its reputation. have had it before to little effect… i took raw, fresh stuff, literally a wafer thin slice, and i heated up like a radiator…
had another, became the berserker! nothing bad happened other than in my mind.
but was interesting exercise.
live Life.
Psychonauts should considered ayahuasca. Very powerful medicine.
No happy faces in the kindergarten congress. Where’s Mr. McFeely with his speedy delivery of drugs and whores? Maybe that’d cheer up the sorry bastards…
Does this make any sense? It reads like a psychological break down without anything wise to add to a sane debate or even ironic perspective.
Speaking truth to power:NDP campaigners laugh off Calgary woman whose two sons died of “vaccination”
our side should not be exaggerating things this badly, that’s what the bad guys and propagandists (is that redundant?) do – these were just low level door-to-door canvassers, not interested in any serious discussions, laughing pretending that everything is happy etc as this sort of lowlife does all the time. It was not specifically laughing at her story about her sons, they were laughing long before that. Just normal low-level a-holes, nothing exceptional
Boy do you flatter Bari Weiss CJ. I’ll never forget her appearance on Joe Rogan when she tried to diss Tulsi Gabbard, describing her as an “Assad toady”.
The spooks have always been the editor. Time/Life founder Henry Luce was considered for CIA head. I’m sure someone here can put a name to him but literally the dude who wrote the CIAs presidential daily briefs is now I think Facebooks content moderator. Should we feel good or bad that the same guy who manages and molds the Presidents opinions is now doing the same for boomers the world over?
US bank collapses – who/what is really behind this? Hint, Israel’s tech funds and its plans for the US, drug money, and more.
Aussie journalist looks more deeply into this.
Saying “Israel” is like saying “homosexual”. As soon as you say the word you’re a hate filled bigot.
Yes, I meant Israeli Government and Zionists (ie same group).
dodgy ground here, the old race card might be served, except we are not talking about a race, we are talking about a form of religious affiliation and then in the main only lip service
as many know hebrew script is apt to being mis-read and has given us many false roads
a recent one i have looked into regards the “lost” tribes of israel, “lost” as in we cannot find them? or “lost” as in gone away from “god”
and if gone away from “god” then toward “who” or “what”?
Maurice Strong worshiped the same “god” he had a great big statue of it in his “new earth” bacca grande pad in colorado
think about the things you are not meant to speak about
Corbett’s mentioned that Peter Thiel got out of SVB the day before it went tits up. Thiel, it will be remembered, was one of the seed funders of Facebook. ‘The Social Network’ mentions him while not mentioning In-Q-Tel (the CIA’s venture capitalist arm) were as well.
Perhaps, as the entire economic paradigm starts to crumble, the Central Banks – to save their own asses a little longer – are one by one destroying regional banks.
I can’t believe that I watched the entire thing.
It all went off the rails for me after the one hour mark.
Like two different videos. Or was it?
The first hour I would give an enthusiastic thumbs-up
but after that it is such trash I just do not know what else to say about it.
And if the second part is such trash how does that reflect on the first part?
Guess we will have to sit back and wait and see.
Is there a Congressional investigation into the Pandora Papers
that sparked the run of drug cartel money from SVB?
Or was this video *entirely* trash?
This is an experiment as I would like to post Wayback Machine links
but their links are so funky
that I am not sure the links will remain valid after I hit post:
Scott Ritter’s Best Rant to date, or Worst Rant ever ?
Scott Ritter: Bakhmut is not Just a Battle to Save Donbas (58.57)
Oh can’t stand Gobshites they’re disinformational militaristic blockhead separatist rubberball cronies. FUCK me where’s this fat Jabbering bullneck crackpot off to next. The Magic Doll Roundabout.