Bewitched is an American television situation comedy fantasy series which was broadcast for eight seasons on ABC from 1964 to 1972. It was created by Sol Saks under executive director Harry Ackerman, and starred Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York (1964–1969), Agnes Moorehead, and David White. Dick Sargent replaced an ill York for the final three seasons (1969–1972). The show is about a witch who marries an ordinary mortal man, and vows to lead the life of a typical suburban housewife. Bewitched enjoyed great popularity, finishing as the number two show in America during its debut season, and becoming the longest-running supernatural-themed sitcom of the 1960s–1970s. The show continues to be seen throughout the world in syndication and on recorded media.
In 2002, Bewitched was ranked #50 on "TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time". In 1997, the same magazine ranked the season 2 episode "Divided He Falls" #48 on their list of the "100 Greatest Episodes of All Time".
A young-looking witch named Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) meets and marries a mortal named Darrin Stephens (originally Dick York, later Dick Sargent). While Samantha pledges to forsake her powers and become a typical suburban housewife, her magical family disapproves of the mixed marriage and frequently interferes in the couple's lives. Episodes often begin with Darrin becoming the victim of a spell, the effects of which wreak havoc with mortals such as his boss, clients, parents, and neighbors. By the epilogue, however, Darrin and Samantha most often embrace, having overcome the devious elements that failed to separate them.
Bewitched is an American television sitcom.
Bewitched may also refer to:
Bewitched is a Swedish retro thrash band with black metal elements.
In 1995 they recorded a demo named Hellspell. Shortly after this, Wrathyr (Naglfar, Setherial, Midvinter) joined the band.
In August 1995, without any backup from a record-label, Bewitched visited the Umeå-based UMT-studio for the recording of the debut, Diabolical Desecration. After three days of recording, the album was finished. It was sent out to record-labels and eventually a contract was signed with Osmose Productions.
Diabolical Desecration was released in March 1996. In June, Bewitched hit the road with Ancient Rites, Sacramentum and Deboned to promote the release. During three weeks they played venues in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands.
At the same time as the tour started, a new record was released. With the title Encyclopedia of Evil, it is a tribute to the bands who influenced Bewitched's sound on the Diabolical Desecration album.
(Music and lyrics by Vargher)
Evil sorcerer in league with the dead
Magic in the night, forbidden spells are read
The fog lies thick around the cemetery maze
To unveil the future, the spirit he will raise
Dressed in the stench of death
Possessed by Demons breath
Far beyond the limits of time
Recite the ancient spell
Summon powers from Hell
Gaze beyond the limits of time
Evil sorcerer, the grave is open wide
Spirits are invoked, the Devil is by his side
The ritual proceed and he give the spirits birth
Offspring of the Damned, Satan´s children walk the earth
Dressed in the stench of death
Possessed by Demons breath
Far beyond the limits of time
Recite the ancient spell
Summon powers from Hell