Colossal Cave Adventure
Colossal Cave Adventure (also known as ADVENT, Colossal Cave, or Adventure) is one of the earliest computer adventure games and a precursor form of role playing video game. The original version was designed by Will Crowther, a programmer and caving enthusiast who based the layout on part of the Mammoth Cave system in Kentucky.
Adventure presents the player with the opportunity to explore a mysterious cave that is rumored to be filled with riches. To explore the cave, the player types in one- or two-word commands to move their character through the cave, interact with objects in the cave, pick up items, and other actions. The game has a point system, whereby completing certain goals earns a number of predetermined points. The ultimate goal is to earn the maximum amount of points, which correlates to finding all the treasure there is to find in the game and safely leaving the cave.
Will Crowther was a programmer at Bolt, Beranek & Newman, which developed the ARPANET (a forerunner of the Internet). Crowther was an experienced caver, who applied his experience in Mammoth Cave (in Kentucky) to create a game that he could enjoy with his young daughters.