The Division
The Division is an American crime drama television series created by Deborah Joy LeVine and starring Bonnie Bedelia. The series focused on a team of women police officers in the San Francisco Police Department. The series premiered on Lifetime on January 7, 2001 and ended on June 28, 2004 after 88 episodes.
The show focused on the lives of five policewomen in the felony division headed by Captain Kate McCafferty (Bonnie Bedelia). Storylines revolved around the women's personal and professional lives, and their attempts to balance both. The series tackled such topics as alcoholism, drug addiction, homophobia, and sexual abuse.
The series premiered on January 7, 2001, earning a 3.1 rating and drew the largest audience of any basic cable original series premiere in 2001. After 4 seasons, the show was canceled on June 28, 2004. The Division later was rebroadcast on the Lifetime network after its cancellation in various timeslots until 2007. As of 2008, reruns of the show air on Lifetime Real Women.