- published: 27 Apr 2017
- views: 414
A metropolitan area, sometimes referred to as a metropolitan area, metro area or just metro, is a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. A metro area usually comprises multiple jurisdictions and municipalities: neighborhoods, townships, cities, exurbs, suburbs, counties, districts, states, and even nations like the eurodistricts. As social, economic and political institutions have changed, metropolitan areas have become key economic and political regions. Metropolitan areas include one or more urban areas, as well as satellite cities, towns and intervening rural areas that are socio-economically tied to the urban core, typically measured by commuting patterns.
For urban centres outside metropolitan areas, that generate a similar attraction at smaller scale for their region, the concept of the regiopolis and respectively regiopolitan area or regio was introduced by German professors in 2006.
Chūkyō (中京圏, Chūkyō-ken), sometimes called the Chūkyō region (中京地方 Chūkyō-chihō), is the name of a major metropolitan area in Japan that is centered on the city of Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture. The area makes up the most urban part of the Tōkai region. The population (as of 2010) of 9,107,414 over an area of 7,072 square kilometers.
It is among the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in the world and is Japan's third most populous metropolitan area after the Greater Tokyo Area and Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, containing roughly 7% of Japan's population. Historically, this region has taken a back seat to the other two power centers, both politically and economically; however, the agglomeration of Nagoya is the 22nd largest economy, in terms of gross metropolitan product at purchasing power parity (PPP), in 2014 according to a study by the Brookings Institution.
The metropolitan area stretches beyond the central city of Nagoya to other municipalities in Aichi Prefecture, as well as neighboring Gifu and Mie prefectures.
Aichi Prefecture (愛知県, Aichi-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region. The region of Aichi is also known as the Tōkai region. The capital is Nagoya. It is the focus of the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area.
Originally, the region was divided into the two provinces of Owari and Mikawa. After the Meiji Restoration, Owari and Mikawa were united into a single entity. In 1871, after the abolition of the han system, Owari, with the exception of the Chita Peninsula, was established as Nagoya Prefecture, while Mikawa combined with the Chita Peninsula and formed Nukata Prefecture. Nagoya Prefecture was renamed to Aichi Prefecture in April 1872, and was united with Nukata Prefecture on November 27 of the same year.
The government of Aichi Prefecture is located in the Aichi Prefectural Government Office in Nagoya, which is the old capital of Owari.
The Expo 2005 World Exposition was held in Seto and Nagakute.
In the third volume of the Man'yōshū there is a poem by Takechi Kurohito that reads: "The cry of the crane, calling to Sakurada; it sounds like the tide, draining from Ayuchi flats, hearing the crane cry". Ayuchi is the original form of the name Aichi, and the Fujimae tidal flat is all that remains of the earlier Ayuchi-gata. It is now a protected area.
Nagoya (名古屋市, Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2010, 2.27 million people lived in the city, part of Chūkyō Metropolitan Area's 9.10 million people.
The city's name was historically written as 那古野 or 名護屋 (both read as Nagoya). One possible origin is the adjective nagoyaka (なごやか), meaning 'peaceful'.
The name Chūkyō (中京, consisting of chū (middle) + kyō (capital)) is also used to refer to Nagoya. Notable examples of the use of the name Chūkyō include the Chūkyō Industrial Area, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area, Chūkyō Television Broadcasting, Chukyo University and the Chukyo Racecourse.
The Chūbu region (中部地方, Chūbu-chihō) is the central region of Honshū, Japan's main island. Chūbu has a population of 21,715,822 as of 2010.
Chūbu, which means "central region", encompasses nine prefectures (ken): Aichi, Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Niigata, Shizuoka, Toyama, Yamanashi, and often Mie.
It is located directly between the Kantō region and the Kansai region and includes the major city of Nagoya as well as along Pacific and Sea of Japan coastlines, extensive mountain resorts, and Mount Fuji.
The region is the widest part of Honshū and the central part is characterized by high, rugged mountains. The Japanese Alps divide the country into the Pacific side, sunny in winter, and the Sea of Japan side, snowy in winter.
The Chūbu region covers a large and geographically diverse area of Honshū which leads to it generally being divided into three distinct subregions: Tōkai, Kōshin'etsu, and Hokuriku. There is also another subregion occasionally referred to in business circles called Chūkyō.
First Day in Nagoya [Nagoya Pt. 1] (Travels in Japan Pt. 16)
Nagoya Castle ( 名古屋城 Nagoya-jō )
Nagoya - Kiso Valley
Sakae (栄) by Night (movie & slideshow) / Nick in Nagoya, Japan' 2013
【Japan】Nagoya Tourism Information【one minute one place】
How to Pronounce Nagoya (city)
Aichi Prefecture
Fresh off the bullet train and took some quick footage. Enjoy! Please like, comment, and subscribe! Twitter - www.twitter.com/pizzaboynizza Facebook - www.facebook.com/justinnizza iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/justin-nizza/id901925263 Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi?) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2015, 2.28 million people lived in the city, part of Chūkyō Metropolitan ...
In a bygone age I was privileged to bring a specialized engineering technology to a core group of Japanese manufacturing partners. This assignment required my relocating to Nagoya Japan from my then home in Sunny Florida. Little did I realize the magical experience in which I was about to partake. I've just rediscovered these sole surviving photographs and rather than let them languish in continued obscurity I've published them for future viewing. I hope maybe you might enjoy viewing them also. Nagoya (Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those...
Nagoya is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast in the Chūbu region on central Honshū, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Hakata. It is also the center of Japan's third largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2000, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area has 8.74 million people, of which 2.17 million live in the city of Nagoya. The Kiso Valley is a geographical area that centers on the valley of the upper portions of the Kiso River in the southwestern part of Nagano Prefecture in Japan. It is a v-shaped valley with length of approximately 60 km (36 mi) that follows the river as it flows from north ...
Movie and Slideshow: walking down the Sakae streets in Nagoya. Produced by Nick Lido. Featured by Nick Lido's Travel Journal at www.youtube.com/nicklido or http://nicklido.com ABOUT SAKAE: Sakae (栄) is an area in Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. It refers to the areas around Sakae intersection, Sakae Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway, and Sakae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line. Sakae is located in the heart of Nagoya and as such is, along with Nagoya Station, one of Nagoya's main commercial districts. ABOUT NAGOYA: Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one...
Nagoya (名古屋市) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. http://www.nagoya-info.jp/en/
Learn how to say Nagoya with Japanese accent. Nagoya (nagoya): In Japanese, it can be written as 名古屋 . "Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2000, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area has 8.74 million people, of which 2.27 million live in the city of Nagoya." - from Wikipedia For more pronunciation of Japanese words, please check: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?l...
陈淑婉:南京市政府宣布鉴于日本名古屋市市长河村隆之否认南京大屠杀史实,因此暂停与名古屋市政府间的官方交往,本台记者也已经致电给名古屋市政府来做最新的采访探寻,最新消息我们因此立刻连线驻日本东京的特派记者李淼,李淼你好。 李淼:淑婉,你好。 陈淑婉:李淼,我们知道你采访到了名古屋的政府,你有掌握了哪些最新情况呢? 李淼:好的,淑婉。刚刚在一个小时之前我们电话采访了名古屋市的国际交流课,他们手中有20号当天名古屋市长河村和南京市委常委刘志伟的谈话记录。那么这次会面时间其实只有20分钟左右,首先情况是这样的,关于南京大屠杀河村是这样阐述的,他说自己去世的父亲和南京是很有缘分的,父亲在南京迎来1945年战败。当时他(父亲)在南京的栖霞寺里曾经住过一段时间,那么寺庙里的人对他父亲非常好,后来又平安回到日本,所以他说父亲活着的时候经常和他提起这段故事。他说如果要是1937年真的曾经发生过南京大屠杀的话,为什么中国人会对他父亲那么友善呢?那么战斗中有很多中死亡,但应该没有几十万人的大屠杀。 (有关)中方当时我们了解到的情况是这样的,并没有做出直接的反驳。中方是这样表述的,说南京市民学习历史是因为热爱和平,不是为了仇恨,此前34年交流会珍惜并希望扩大交流,只有这样两市的市民才会生活的更好。 不过我们看到河村不仅没有道歉,而且刚刚在今天晚上他在记者俱乐部演讲的时候,也再次强调说自己在当国会议员的时候就曾经说过,没有发生过几十万人死亡的南京大屠杀,他说以前总是背地里偷偷的讲,不如现在应该是光明正大说这种看法的时候了,他说根据是因为南京大屠杀没有目击证人,这是最根本的依据,而他否定这个南京大屠杀的发言并不是第一次,在2009年的时候他就曾经对访问名古屋的南京副市长说没有南京大屠杀这回事,淑婉。 陈淑婉:好,我们谢谢李淼带我们在日本,在这样一个争议的新闻事件所做的一个最新的了解。 ...
Aichi Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region. The region of Aichi is also known as the Tōkai region. The capital is Nagoya. It is the focus of the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Fresh off the bullet train and took some quick footage. Enjoy! Please like, comment, and subscribe! Twitter - www.twitter.com/pizzaboynizza Facebook - www.facebook.com/justinnizza iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/justin-nizza/id901925263 Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi?) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2015, 2.28 million people lived in the city, part of Chūkyō Metropolitan ...
In a bygone age I was privileged to bring a specialized engineering technology to a core group of Japanese manufacturing partners. This assignment required my relocating to Nagoya Japan from my then home in Sunny Florida. Little did I realize the magical experience in which I was about to partake. I've just rediscovered these sole surviving photographs and rather than let them languish in continued obscurity I've published them for future viewing. I hope maybe you might enjoy viewing them also. Nagoya (Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those...
Nagoya is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast in the Chūbu region on central Honshū, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Hakata. It is also the center of Japan's third largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2000, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area has 8.74 million people, of which 2.17 million live in the city of Nagoya. The Kiso Valley is a geographical area that centers on the valley of the upper portions of the Kiso River in the southwestern part of Nagano Prefecture in Japan. It is a v-shaped valley with length of approximately 60 km (36 mi) that follows the river as it flows from north ...
Movie and Slideshow: walking down the Sakae streets in Nagoya. Produced by Nick Lido. Featured by Nick Lido's Travel Journal at www.youtube.com/nicklido or http://nicklido.com ABOUT SAKAE: Sakae (栄) is an area in Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. It refers to the areas around Sakae intersection, Sakae Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway, and Sakae Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line. Sakae is located in the heart of Nagoya and as such is, along with Nagoya Station, one of Nagoya's main commercial districts. ABOUT NAGOYA: Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one...
Nagoya (名古屋市) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. http://www.nagoya-info.jp/en/
Learn how to say Nagoya with Japanese accent. Nagoya (nagoya): In Japanese, it can be written as 名古屋 . "Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2000, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area has 8.74 million people, of which 2.27 million live in the city of Nagoya." - from Wikipedia For more pronunciation of Japanese words, please check: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?l...
陈淑婉:南京市政府宣布鉴于日本名古屋市市长河村隆之否认南京大屠杀史实,因此暂停与名古屋市政府间的官方交往,本台记者也已经致电给名古屋市政府来做最新的采访探寻,最新消息我们因此立刻连线驻日本东京的特派记者李淼,李淼你好。 李淼:淑婉,你好。 陈淑婉:李淼,我们知道你采访到了名古屋的政府,你有掌握了哪些最新情况呢? 李淼:好的,淑婉。刚刚在一个小时之前我们电话采访了名古屋市的国际交流课,他们手中有20号当天名古屋市长河村和南京市委常委刘志伟的谈话记录。那么这次会面时间其实只有20分钟左右,首先情况是这样的,关于南京大屠杀河村是这样阐述的,他说自己去世的父亲和南京是很有缘分的,父亲在南京迎来1945年战败。当时他(父亲)在南京的栖霞寺里曾经住过一段时间,那么寺庙里的人对他父亲非常好,后来又平安回到日本,所以他说父亲活着的时候经常和他提起这段故事。他说如果要是1937年真的曾经发生过南京大屠杀的话,为什么中国人会对他父亲那么友善呢?那么战斗中有很多中死亡,但应该没有几十万人的大屠杀。 (有关)中方当时我们了解到的情况是这样的,并没有做出直接的反驳。中方是这样表述的,说南京市民学习历史是因为热爱和平,不是为了仇恨,此前34年交流会珍惜并希望扩大交流,只有这样两市的市民才会生活的更好。 不过我们看到河村不仅没有道歉,而且刚刚在今天晚上他在记者俱乐部演讲的时候,也再次强调说自己在当国会议员的时候就曾经说过,没有发生过几十万人死亡的南京大屠杀,他说以前总是背地里偷偷的讲,不如现在应该是光明正大说这种看法的时候了,他说根据是因为南京大屠杀没有目击证人,这是最根本的依据,而他否定这个南京大屠杀的发言并不是第一次,在2009年的时候他就曾经对访问名古屋的南京副市长说没有南京大屠杀这回事,淑婉。 陈淑婉:好,我们谢谢李淼带我们在日本,在这样一个争议的新闻事件所做的一个最新的了解。 ...
Aichi Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region. The region of Aichi is also known as the Tōkai region. The capital is Nagoya. It is the focus of the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video