- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 23002
Eḷu, also Hela or Helu, is a Middle Indo-Iranian language or Prakrit of the 3rd century BCE. It is ancestral to the Sinhalese language. R. C. Childers, in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, states:
The Pali scholar Thomas William Rhys Davids refers to Eḷu as "the Prakrit of Ceylon".
The Hela Havula are a modern Sri Lankan literary organization that advocate the use of Eḷu terms over Sanskritisms. Eḷu is often referred to by modern Sinhalese as amisra, Sinhalese for "unmixed".
A feature of Eḷu is its preference for short vowels, loss of aspiration and the reduction of compound consonants found frequently in other Prakrits such as Pali.
Being a Prakrit, Eḷu is closely related to other Prakrits such as Pali. Indeed, a very large proportion of Eḷu word-stems are identical in form to Pali. The connections were sufficiently well known that technical terms from Pali and Sanskrit were easily converted into Eḷu by a set of conventional phonological transformations. Because of the prevalence of these transformations, it is not always possible to tell whether a given Eḷu word is a part of the old Prakrit lexicon, or a transformed borrowing from Sanskrit.
Gospel music is a music genre in Christian music. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of gospel music varies according to culture and social context. Gospel music is composed and performed for many purposes, including aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, and as an entertainment product for the marketplace. Gospel music usually has dominant vocals (often with strong use of harmony) with Christian lyrics. Gospel music can be traced to the early 17th century, with roots in the black oral tradition. Hymns and sacred songs were repeated in a call and response fashion. Most of the churches relied on hand clapping and foot stomping as rhythmic accompaniment. Most of the singing was done a cappella. The first published use of the term ″Gospel Song" probably appeared in 1874. The original gospel songs were written and composed by authors such as George F. Root, Philip Bliss, Charles H. Gabriel, William Howard Doane, and Fanny Crosby. Gospel music publishing houses emerged. The advent of radio in the 1920s greatly increased the audience for gospel music. Following World War II, gospel music moved into major auditoriums, and gospel music concerts became quite elaborate.
Emmanuel Macron (born 21 December 1977 in Amiens) is a French senior official, politician and former investment banker. On 26 August 2014 he was appointed as the Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs in the Second Valls Government.
Macron is the son of Jean-Michel Macron, Professor of Neurology at the University of Picardy, and Françoise Macron-Noguès, MD. He was close to his grandmother, a school headmistress who had grown up in an illiterate household, and lived with her for some time. He studied piano for ten years.
He was educated for some years at the Jesuit-founded lycée La Providence in Amiens before he continued at the élite high school Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. He studied Philosophy at the University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, obtaining a DEA degree. He worked as an assistant for Paul Ricoeur between 1999 and 2001 where he helped edit Ricoeur's book La Mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli. He also obtained a degree in Public Affairs at Sciences Po, before training for a senior civil service career at the École nationale d'administration (ENA), graduating in 2004.
Gospel music is a kind of African, motivational Christian music that has become a major part of Nigerian music. In the 1960s the Evangelical Church of West Africa Choir was popular, and in the early 1970s Bola Aare, Sola Rotimi, Good women Choir, Ebenezer Obey and later, Panam Percy Paul, Onyeka Onwenu, Lanre Teriba (ATORISE), Tope Alabi, Asu Ekiye, Keffi, and Sammie Okposo were notable. Also, in the early 1970s & 80s Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa's choir, The Christian Redeemed Voices were known for their gospel sound. He the late Bishop, would purchase instruments for the choir and each one of them would be mastered by skillful musicians. The Bishop would challenge his student pastors and young adult church members to pick up instruments and play them. Play them...they did, no training only the gift of God deposited and called out by the Bishop. There was a lady by the name of Minister Dorothy James (Evangel Temple, USA) and Rev. David Mporampora(Uganda)they transformed gospel music in West Africa. Nigeria in particular. I would say without a doubt, they laid the foundation of the sound we now hear. Many students were from other West African nations and they took that sound and passion for Gospel music back with them. Jackson Tugbeh (Liberia), now (Lagos) Rev. Lesley Tex (Ghana) were students and a part of the influence. The Arts, the worship dance saw its start in Africa in the Church of God Mission. Thanks to Arch Bishop Idahosa who was open to all God had for his people, the gospel sound would never be the same. The fusion in music and the gospel he bought to Africa is still amazing.
ELU TGS 171 Demonstration
Ethiopian kid elu
Ethiopian kid song/Elu.teret
Elu väiksed rõõmud?
Maltised - ELU
Bro. Paul Chigbo - Ike Si N"elu - Nigerian Gospel Music
Élu de ma vie - Clarisse Mbina
Rise and Shine show with Elu
On a élu Emmanuel Le Pen !
LEMMIKLOOMADE SALAJANE ELU - eestikeelne põhitreiler
ELU - Moses, Success, Trusting
Elu PK Movie
Mati Nuude Elu on ilus
Elu saw eBay (301656252870)
Puurikanade elu
Qui Est l’Élu ?
WY & Mt. Kid - Elu (feat Cali)
Elu Elu Tamila - Elu Elu Tamila - Eelam Songs
Elu on vägev
Elu on elu
elu elu kya hai
Hulet quanqua
Pour gagner ta place à Los Angeles va sur valerian.orange.com Tu peux dire merci Orange pour ce joli cadeau ! Ecrit par Akim Omiri Casting : Extraterrestre 1: Akim Omiri Extraterrestre 2 : Anthony Lastella Laureline : Charlène Bailleul IDZ PROD Producteur : Julien ALLARD Directeur de Production : Paul ESTEVES Chargée de Production : Pauline PERROT Assistant de Production : Faustine MESTRE Régisseur Général : Bertrand FECCI Directeur Technique : Daniel DA SILVA Ingénieur du Son : Gautier DECLINE Réalisateur : Franck Marchand Chef OPV : Inès Tabarin Maquillage SFX : Nil Berköz & Sophie Fauquet - Artandbody Stylisme : Audrey Garoscio & JD - Arlek1 Workshop Montage : Franck Marchand Graphisme : Guillaume Griffoni Remerciement : Le Dernier Bar Avant la Fin du Monde
Elu väiksed rõõmud? Panen proovile elu väiksed rõõmud eluta inimese vaatepildist. Kas ka sul ei ole elu? Siis oleme me ju täiesti kaksikud (Ok, see lause oli cringe xD) Selles videos käin ma läbi nimekirja, mille leidsin sellisest toredast kohast nagu INTERNET. Koht kus kõik on tõsi! ;) Aga kuna mul ei ole elu, siis need nimekirja asjad väga minu kohta ei käi 🙈 ANYWAYS leiad mind: instagram: @sidniihh snapchat: sixupeace musical.ly: sidniihh (musicallys teen ka livesid 😎) Bye, c ya 💞
Lo prometido es deuda!!!! Me costo un montón, tuve millones de problemas con el micrófono, foco, luces... fondo, etc etc!!!! Problemas de principiante 😂😂😂 Espero que esten contentos con las respuestas, quedare atenta a sus comentarios!!!! No se olviden de darle like y suscribirse!!!! PD: Acepto sugerencias para mi primer tutorial, y prometo que la imagen estará 100 puntos!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Musica: www.bensound.com
Please click the link to subscribe for the best of Nigerian gospel music http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=9jaPraise Bro. Paul Chigbo is a renowned Nigerian gospel artiste among gospel artistes in Nigeria Also well known all over Nigerian and African entertainment industry. Bro. Paul Chigbo is connected to topmost Nigerian gospel music artistes, one of the newest nigerian gospel music 2016 is a hit all over Nigeria and Africa at large as far as gospel music is concerned. Please subscribe for the hottest,latest,inspirational and most exciting free Nigerian gospel music Cliquez pour suoscrire pour le meilluer des musique chretien Nigeriane. Powered by AFOREVO Brought to you by 9jaPraise WATCH Latest 2016 Nigerian Gospel Music Listen To Latest 2016 Nigerian Gospel...
gospel gabon
The talented Elu was in our show with her mom, I had fun with you guys. Wish you a bright future my dear Eluye.
Depuis son élection Emmanuel Macron se comporte comme une version caricaturé de Marine Le Pen. Il applique un programme d’extrême droite qui se caractérise par un recul des droits sociaux, des libertés fondamentale et du débat démocratique (même minimal). Etrangement une telle situation ne suscite aucune indignation dans les « milieux autorisé à penser », qui se mobilise pourtant à chaque élection contre le FN et appel à faire barrage contre l’extrême droite. Tipeee : https://www.tipeee.com/troublefait Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trouble-Fait/382734941937313 Plus d’infos : France Télévisions et la fièvre Macron ImmediaS : http://immedias2016.com/2017/06/france-televisions-et-la-fievre-macron/ Macron bannit les médias pro-Kremlin Russia Today et Sputnik Public Senat : http...
Produtsent ning sõnad:Christjanno Baumann Unistades pikalt,et sinugust kohtan luba ma hingan sa oled maailma ime, kelle nimel ohkan vaid korra elus oled neiu kelle nimel ei puhka. Sa oled mu tähed päike ja kõik see muu kui sind jälle näen on avatud mu suu Ma ei pidant pikalt mõtlema sest teadsin ,et oled see õige ainult sulle luban ,et armastan sind üle kõige Vannun sulle truudust kuni surm meid lahutab saab su ema kurjaks meid veidikene nahutab Sa veidi kuri kuid siiski varsti minu kallis tahaksi veeta sinuga päevi kas või lumevallis. Tähtis on ,et oleksid mu kõrval kaitsen ja hoian sind igavesti oma hõlmal Sinule ei suudaks ma elase haiget teha kuid olen kuulnud ,et sul on modelli keha REF: X2 See kōik siin On uskumatu Et leek me sees on kustumatu Ta hinges leegitseb seniks ...
Originaalpealkiri: The Secret Life of Pets Režissöörid: Chris Renaud, Yarrow Cheney Eesti kinodes 19. august 2016 Vaata lisa: http://www.vaatafilmi.ee/lemmikloomad
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See video on filmitud Leedu kahes suurimas munafarmis 2017. aastal. Üks filmitud farmidest toodab tervelt kolmandiku kõigist Leedus toodetavatest munadest. Ole kursis munade märgistusega. Iga muna peal on tempel, mille esimene number ütleb, kuidas kanu peetakse: 0 – mahepõllumajanduslik tootmine 1 – vabalt peetavate kanade munad 2 – õrrekanade munad 3 – puuris peetavate kanade munad Munad nr 3 tähistusega tähendavad kanadele kõige halvemaid elutingimusi, seega on hea valik kanade heaolu nimel need ostmata jätta. www.facebook.com/nahtamatudloomad
» Download https://www.toneden.io/wy_official-1/post/elu-with-mt-kid-and-cali » Become a fan of WY https://soundcloud.com/wy_official https://www.facebook.com/wyofficial98 https://twitter.com/xkingWYx » Become a fan of Mt. Kid https://soundcloud.com/mt_kid https://www.facebook.com/itsMtKid » Buy Trap City Merchandise (Pendant) https://zazzy.co/pendant/trap-city-pendant/ » Buy Trap City Merchandise (Keychain) https://zazzy.co/keychain/trap-city-keychain/ » Trap City Spotify http://spoti.fi/1MMTJBN » Trap City Facebook http://on.fb.me/UL3oNz » Trap City Twitter https://twitter.com/trapcitymusic » Trap City Soundcloud http://bit.ly/18UNiop ✖ Trap City Clothing http://bit.ly/1d6Vojc Remember to share our website » http://www.trapcitymusic.com
Elu Elu Tamila - Elu Elu Tamila
Wakker om half vijf, weer nen halven dag voorbij
(fucking houten kop)
De kater zit vooral opzij
Lange nachten, waarschijnlijk was ik behoorlijk scheef
Misschien was het plezant, maar mijn geheugen is een zeef
Ik heb mijn oude gewoonte weeral volledig terug
En mensen merken het, ze praten achter mijne rug
'K ben als ne gokker die den helft al verloren heeft
(blijven gaan)
Precies alsof ik morgen nie meer leef
Alsof ik nie meer aan u denk ik mis u pokkehard
Da single-zijn heeft mij genekt vanaf de fucking start
Ik weet nie waarom ik feest, waarom ik niks stuur
Waarom ik uitgezogen naar een volle ?
En ik hoor de stemmen terug van gisterennacht
"Hij is zo irritant, hij is weer iets te zat"
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
En vanavond ben ik fris, dan doen ik het weer
Party all night, drie uur en ik lig al neer
Ik fuck het op...
Zonder een noodkreet, zonder een teken
Ik heb u plots in een bevlieging weggesmeten
En 'k heb u laten liggen da was weeral heel stoer
Maar toen de deur dicht sloeg kneep het mijn keel toe
Nu heb ik tegenslag, stroppen zien ik heel den dag
Nu zen ik het die zit te sturen of ik toesteken mag
Ik krijg ne "fuck you, nu komd'op de proppen"
En die shit is zo waar maar toch kan ik het nie verkroppen
Ik lig te stinken in mijn bed, ik kom voor niks deruit
Ik zien gebouwen en bruggen als ik mijn ogen sluit
En 't is nie meer dan redelijk da 'k in de hel ben
Maar ik wil iemand slagen precies alsof ik het zelf ben
En ik kan nummers vol zagen maar het is te laat
Ge moet van u af bijten, 't was mijn eigen raad
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
Waarschijnlijk slaan ik morgen door en dan bel ik u weer
Vier keer voicemail en dan leg ik neer