Fire! is a 1977 action TV movie, made for NBC television and Warner Bros. Television, directed by Earl Bellamy, who directed other disaster film one year before, Flood!. The film's plot is about a convict who escapes from an Oregon road gang and starts a fire in a forest, which goes out of control and threatens to destroy a small mountain community.
The film was directed in the cities of Silverton and Yamhill, in Oregon.
The film premiered on May 8, 1977 on NBC and Warner Bros. Television, on two-hours, later was cut to ninety minutes, and rerun in tandem with another TV disaster movie, Flood!, produced by Irwin Allen.
Crazy World Of Arthur Brown
I am the god of hell f ire and I bring you:
Fire, I'll take you to burn.
Fire, I'll take you to learn.
I'll see you burn!
You fought hard and you saved and learned,
but all of it's going to burn.
And your mind, your tiny mind,
you know you've really been so blind.
Now 's your time burn your mind.
You're falling far too far behind.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, you gonna burn!
Fire, to destroy all you've done.
Fire, to end all you've become.
I'll feel you burn!
You've been living like a little girl,
in the middle of your little world.
And your mind, your tiny mind,
you know you've really been so blind.
Now 's your time burn your mind,
you're falling far too far behind.