Dno (Russian: Дно) is a town and the administrative center of Dnovsky District in Pskov Oblast, Russia, located at the intersection of the Pskov–Bologoye and St. Petersburg–Kiev railways, 113 kilometers (70 mi) east of Pskov, the administrative center of the oblast. Population: 9,061 (2010 Census); 10,049 (2002 Census); 12,406 (1989 Census).
Founded as a railway center in 1897, it was granted town status in 1925. The territory used to be a part of Porkhovsky Uyezd of Pskov Governorate, and Dno was the seat of Dnovskaya Volost.
On August 1, 1927, the uyezds and governorates were abolished and Dnovsky District, with the administrative center in Dno, was established as a part of Pskov Okrug of Leningrad Oblast. It included parts of former Porkhovsky Uyezd. On July 23, 1930, the okrugs were also abolished and the districts were directly subordinated to the oblast. Between July 18, 1941 and February 24, 1944, Dno was occupied by German troops. On August 23, 1944, the district was transferred to newly established Pskov Oblast.
Dno, or Grivochki (rus.- аэродром Гривочки, germ. - FlugPlatz Griwotschki) was an air base in Russia located 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south of Dno, approximately 133 km (83 mi) of the Estonian border and 113 kilometers (70 mi) east of Pskov. Today, nothing remains of the military airfield except a clearing.
The USSR air force established the base prior to World War II and during the German invasion, German troops gained control of the facility in July 1941. They renovated and expanded it for use by the Luftwaffe. Upon their retreat in 1944, the Wehrmacht troops destroyed the complex.
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Wielkie nadzieje pok³adane w tobie
Z dnia na dzieñ zast¹pi³ kac...
Choæ wszystko pod nos ci podstawiano,
A co chcia³eœ, mia³eœ, nie robi¹c nic!
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Spad³eœ na dno...
Wielu przyjació³ mia³eœ. Drwili z ciebie,
Kiedy odwraca³eœ twarz...
Uœmiechaj¹ siê dzisiaj, patrz¹c jak skoñczy³eœ,
Gdy zabrak³o tego, czym obdarzy³ los...
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[solo: sYn]
Ile up³ynie, nim pozbierasz siê w sobie,
Nim skorzystasz z w³asnych si³?
Ile minie zanim uœwiadomisz sobie,
¿e nie zrobi ju¿ nikt za ciebie nic?!
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