Dallas is a long-running American prime time television soap opera that revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. The show was famous for its cliffhangers, including the "Who shot J.R.?" mystery, and the "Dream Season".
The original miniseries from 1978 is now presented as "Season 1" in keeping with the initial release on DVD in 2004, although originally Season 1 officially began with episode that aired on September 23, 1978. This article has been reformatted to list episodes by the current convention rather than original designation. Over its 14 seasons, 357 episodes and 4 made-for-television movies and reunion specials aired.
I lived in no holy house but the Grand Hotel
The back streets of this old town, I know so well
And I drunk of no holy wine, save muscatel
Now my friend, I've got to go, you tell everyone I know
I'm sayin' goodbye, bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Bye, bye, Dallas, got to go
And I remember when they told me so
Right now I'm wonderin' where the good times have gone
All the things I never loved when they was mine
Hot city and an empty pocket make a man think on
I've been livin' low so long, I gotta get back where I belong
I'm sayin' goodbye, bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Bye, bye, Dallas, got to go
And I remember when they told me so
I'm sayin' goodbye, bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Bye, bye, Dallas, got to go
And I remember when they told me so
Bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Ain't no bother, it's understood
Livin' under cover don't do no good
Bye, bye, Dallas, I can't stay
Should have been at the palace yesterday
Ain't no bother, it's understood
Livin' under cover don't do no good