
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year / 4 Issues
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1 Year / 4 Issues
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The Immortal Ghost of Karl Marx

Liberal critics would love to banish the specter of Karl Marx from political discourse. But his ghost will haunt them for as long as they refuse to confront Marxism’s central insight: the reality of class conflict.

The leading thinkers of Marxism stressed how important it was to govern in partnership with the peasantry. When communist states imposed collectivization by force, the results were disastrous.

The Damage Gerry Healy Wrought

Head of one of the biggest far-left groups in 1970s Britain, Gerry Healy was accused of rape and sexual abuse. A new biography reflects on the swamp from which he emerged — and how his group’s authoritarian model facilitated his crimes.