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what’s with the hate on season 4 what’s with the hate on season 4

i’ve been seeing so much hate about CDR4 when I personally think it’s one of the best seasons of CDR, if not the best and rivals so many other seasons (including US ones).

First off, what’s the hate on Denim? His voice, really? that’s why y’all are hating on her? i don’t see anything wrong with her voice at all, if anything i found his voice and his personality super cute, on and off drag race. okay, she’s not doing great in the comedy challenges i’ll give y’all that but her looks are amazing and she’s giving us some drama. no, i don’t think she’s mean, she was truthful. Melinda should not have been saved by the golden beaver, she quite literally gave up and all Denim did was point that out. and PLEASE, if i hear someone else saying that Kiki beat denim in that lipsync… do y’all have eyes? it was Kiki’s 4th time in the bottom and she wasn’t giving anything in that lipsync.

venus is an icon and i don’t care if she “doesn’t wear enough makeup”, y’all were eating marcia up on season 15 and hating on the judges for the “lack of makeup comments”. and who the fuck cares if she pads y’all, she looks stunning so what’s the problem?

aurora, my queen. liked her in the beginning of the season and i love her now. lipsyncs, wow. outfits, wow. personality, wow. and i base her personality on her instagram lives and drag race. some other user said she was shy and i guess i can see where they come from but i don’t think she’s shy and i def don’t think that she doesn’t deserve to win because of that.

nearah, cunty the house down. she’s such a cunt in the best way possible. her lipsyncs are iconic and her personality is adorable. not much else to say about her but she gives

melinda, ouf. do i hate melinda? no. do i think she deserves all the praise she’s been getting? also no. she’s funny sometimes and has some iconic moments i guess. i love me some melinda but her drag and personality just don’t do it all that much for me. she def should NOT win. icon cuz she sucks i guess? kidding, love the delusion she and everyone else is on.

also, i’m seeing multiple people compare melinda to spankie jackson and i really DONT see it… firstly, spankie gave us better makeup and looks than melinda (which says something lol)… secondly, spankie oozes magnetic charisma and was extremely kind, motherly to the other girls and full of infectious positivity to the point where every eliminated girl explicitly rooted for her to win. sorry y’all but i just don’t see that in melinda’s personality

DO NOT take this personally, i love all the queens INCLUDING Melinda.

don’t hate on CDR 4 cuz it’s giving us the drama, hate CDR4 cuz you have no taste <3

i honestly hope they dont do another comedy challenge i honestly hope they dont do another comedy challenge

we have about 3 more episodes to go and next week is the musical thing which im excited for with this cast, but with this post im thinking back to canada season 2 despite the fact there wasnt really a queen they could bet on being funny they did a roast and it was medicore. im just praying they are aware of the cast they have left after sending home kitten and they dont decide to do another improv/wrighting challenge.

Anyone else feel like most of the cast would be absolutely ROASTED on US Drag Race? Anyone else feel like most of the cast would be absolutely ROASTED on US Drag Race?

Melinda? Really? She wouldn't even get on the show in the first place, but if she did she'd be absolute first out. I'm really sorry but so far, the girls just aren't cutting it imo. While I like a lot of them, looking at their aesthetics, it's just not up to par with the US show. it's giving an early season of US or something. It's a bummer too, because I'm Canadian.

But I just feel like most of these Queens would be early outs and get torn apart for their outfits, performance skills, and comedy/acting. What is up with this? I always enjoy DRC but I feel this season is crafty?

*edit- I absolutely love Denim, and a few of the other Queens I enjoy, I'm just talking about the overall quality.