TOTW: (Interpersonal) Conflict

office workers fighting at a work table

How do anarchists have interpersonal conflict with each other, and how can we get better at it? We've all seen (or maybe even been a part of) projects de-fanged by the horrible Accountability Process Gone Wrong. Conversely, we've all seen projects implode when avoiding conflict in order to protect the project or its high-status individuals. Community and collective-oriented conflict resolution processes seem to do more harm than good, but what's left?

The Korean People's Association of Manchuria

From Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff

When Two Million People Lived In a Horizontal Society

Margaret talks with Mia Wong about the deep history of Korean anarchism and how it led to one of the great experiments with antiauthoritarian social structure of the 20th century.

Radon Journal Issue 8 is now live!

From Radon Journal | Anarchist Sci-Fi

Read the latest emerging talent in anarchist science fiction.

In print for the first time!

These 20 stories will enthrall you and bring up a black mirror to modern capitalist society. We're be bringing you 10 short stories and 10 poems that each captivate, challenge, and course through your mind at night, long after you're done reading. The perfect mix of subversive and emotional.

[AW2024] Report from Prague

From Třídní Válka

About the Action Week and Anti-War Congress / Prague / May 20-26, 2024 /“Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace.”

First brief attempt of balance sheet of an experience full of promises… but that turned out to be an organizational fiasco

First, let’s set the scene. It was an autumn evening, we were several comrades gathered around a table, enjoying a few dishes that had been simmering for hours, savoring a few local beers or other non-alcoholic beverages (according to everyone’s tastes and choices), and we were chatting away about the last developments in the war in the Ukraine, about the events in Israel and Gaza, and more prosaically, about the increasingly marked course towards generalized war.

Preliminary hearing set for Sibilla operation (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

From La Nemesi

The preliminary hearing in the Sibilla repressive operation has been set for October 10th, at 10 a.m. at the Court of Perugia. On that date, the indictment will be requested for twelve comrades, including Alfredo Cospito (detained under 41 bis regime in the Bancali prison, Sassari). In all likelihood, Alfredo will be connected by videoconference.

Why translate a 600-page book about ancient Christian rebels?

From Fifth Estate
#415, Summer 2024
by Bill Brown

Why did I translate Raoul Vaneigem’s La Résistance au christianisme: Les Héresies des origines au xviiie siècle, originally published in 1993 by Editions Fayard, into English? This is a fair question because, after all, the book is more than 600 pages long, not counting the bibliography and the index, and it’s about a fairly esoteric subject: the so-called heresies that were identified (sometimes even fabricated), publicly denounced and ruthlessly persecuted by the Christian Church over the course of nearly 2,000 years.

Anti-voting text from Larry, a year after his death

It is one year since the death of Larry, a Greek anarchist partisan whose loss continues to echo-- the ripples of this tragedy are not stilled. I didn't know Larry, but many close to me did, in multiple political and social capacities and of course in his role as an impossibly generous movement lawyer, one who worked nonstop to protect comrades and vulnerable immigrants from the violence of the state. He also possessed the courage to risk his legal career and health fighting in the streets; in one incident the police broke his leg!

Harriet Ward (1930-2024)

From Centro studi libertari - Archivio G. Pinelli
Bulletin #63

Harriet Ruth Ward passed away on July 14th. We were bound to her by a long-standing relationship of friendship and collaboration; together with her partner, Colin Ward (1924-2010), she was a fundamental presence and reference for our cultural activities. Born in 1930 to Dora Black, a feminist and socialist author and militant, and Griffin Barry, an American journalist to whom she would dedicate an extraordinary memoir (A Man of Small Importance: My Father Griffin Barry, Dormouse Books, 2003), Harriet grew up in the progressive Beacon Hill school founded by her mother and Bertrand Russell, then husband and wife. She later devoted herself to teaching, applying in practice the innovative ideas about education developed with Colin.

Francisco Solar on the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

From Act for Freedom Now! by Francicso Solar

Original title: Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

It’s important to understand that Power is applying isolation as an intra-prison regime to combat anarchism of action in different parts of the world, utilizing the most severe measures the penitentiary systems can think of to annihilate the ideas and practices that are enemies of all forms of authority once and for all. This is not new. There have been many moments across history in which States have decided to put an end to anarchism, but they haven’t managed to.

Japan: Anarchism Document Center Newsletter #69 Published

From CIRA Japan
July 2024

We have published "The Anarchist Document Center Newsletter No. 69". The opening page introduces materials selected by Dameren and friends who visited the archives during a tour of Shizuoka to celebrate the publication of the new book. It introduces various materials in the archives. In addition, it features the publication of "List of Anarchist Movement Journals and Magazines [1912-2012]" and the popular series "Old Bookstore Oyaji's Introduction to Old Books."


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