
We will compile relevant documents, flyers and posters here.


All Out Against Reclaim Australia! A Quick Guide to Staying Safe and Effective – via Anarchist Affinity Useful piece written before Reclaim Australia on April 4th detailing strategies to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you during militant confrontations. Also contains links to useful Melbourne based activist organisations.

Anti-Fascist Theory;

Filling the Vaccum – Anti-Fascist Action (UK) A highly important piece by experienced anti-fascists from the UK. It examines the need of anti-fascism to go beyond simply reacting to fascism and start presenting a serious alternative for the working class.

AFN (UK) – How to set up an Anti-Fascist Group An extremely useful guide by Anti-Fascist Network UK on how to set up an anti-fascist group. From the basics to links with more content about security etc.


First Round in Bendigo Rally

First Round of youllalwaysloseinbendigo

Rally Against Racism July 18th, A3, Orange.

Rally Against Racism July 18th, A3, Black and White.

Strong Together





  • October 10th callout flyer for Bendigo.
  • a4 Bendigo Poster for the 10-10-15. No to Racism!
  • BAC 10.10 bendigoA6 Poster. No to Racism!
  • Not On Our Streets! Leaflet, Bendigo 10-10-15


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