Information for 6th June Stop Black Deaths in Custody Rally


First of all, please continue to refer to the event page on Facebook for all updates.

The Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR) have continued to make posts and updates to the event and this should be your key place for information.

Protest Safety and Covid-19

WAR have provided a good protest essentials list to keep you safe and healthy:

Protest Essentials

Public safety in times of Covid is essential, please follow the guidelines, including those provided by marshals on the day.

If you are sick – STAY HOME! You are not supporting the movement if you are putting First Nations people at risk. It is also essential to adhere to the 1.5m social distancing requirement, this is to keep people safe on the day and our communities safe in the weeks ahead.

The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service will be distributing face masks and hand sanitiser  between 12pm to 2pm, next to Pastor Sir Doug Nicholls and Lady Gladys Nicholls statue in Parliament Garden. Be responsible to one-another and make sure you bring, or pick up, a face-mask.

There will also be some other stations providing sanitiser, keep an eye out for the ‘Sanitation Station’ signs.

Legal Support

WAR have made it clear that they intend for this to be a peaceful protest although we have plenty of previous examples of the cops enacting violence on demonstrations. It’s important to have information on hand in case you are detained or arrested for whatever reason.

Fitzroy Legal Service has committed to providing legal support for this rally. The necessary details are below – make sure you write these numbers down and have them available.

Fitzroy Legal Service

Legal Right to Protest

The Melbourne Activist Legal Support will be deploying legal observers to keep an eye on the situation and have provided the following information for tomorrow:

As always, make sure you take anything out of your bag that might be considered a weapon, this includes tools such as hammers, screwdrivers and pocket knives.

Fascists, Neo-Nazis and General Far-Right Gronks

We don’t know whether any of the usual suspects will raise their heads to try and disrupt the event or film people to create disingenuous YouTube videos trying to undermine solidarity. If they do, please do not escalate the situation with fascists. If they show up, they would do it to create a scene and centre themselves – they are attention seekers, make sure you don’t give them what they want. The goal of the rally is to demand justice for Blak deaths in custody and solidarity for the BLM movement, not inconsequential attention seekers. If you spot a fascist, racist or someone trying to instigate conflict, refer the matter to the marshals who will de-escalate and remove the fash.
