
I have not been tamed

@theunnamedstranger / theunnamedstranger.tumblr.com

Irish American. ISTP. MRA(MGTOW apologist). Infamous troll.  "A bigot, a contrarian and a fool". Kind of a dick. Brockhampton/Aesop rock rules. I tag my rants #yelling.
The #AmazonRainforest , the lungs of the earth, has been burning for 3-weeks straight and there is very little media coverage.
 The #NotreDame , simply an old building, spire burns and it receives major media coverage and hundred of millions in donations 
 This world is f*cked

That’s a very interesting claim you have there, Reese. Shame if someone were to spend thirty seconds limiting Google News Search to the week before you made this tweet. 

Not even three weeks. Just one.

Yep, clearly barely any coverage from the news. /s

Also, IIRC, fires in the Amazon are normal, even these. Some speculated the media made a big deal out of it because they don’t like the President of Brazil.

Notre Dame is like a reverse Flint, Michigan. Both of these are tragedies the Outrage Police use to feel superior to others.

“Why do you care about [thing] instead of Flint?”

“Why do you care about Notre Dame instead of [thing]?”


I’m unfortunately someone who has grown up with many guns in the house and it’s literally terrifying. One of the most terrifying days of my life was when I was 12 my brother had meningitis and he was refusing to go to the hospital (he was 18) and he was threatening us for calling 911. Watching my parents try to figure out how to get all the guns out of the house so he wouldn’t kill himself or us in his altered state of mind because he knew all the gun safe codes was literally terrifying. Take all the guns away, all of them

Who takes “all the guns away” and by what means?

What happens when people say no?

How’s OP going to go and straight up admit her parents were too stupid to just change the fucking safe codes, lmao

Anti-gunner “this one time, this one guy” stories are always the best

>literuhlee terrifying

lmao I don’t imagine OP spearheading any gun confiscation campaign anytime soon.


Well, this doesn’t scream pretentiousness at ALL.

There’s ways to make your protagonist a shithead but also likeable. The key is to give your character some redeemable traits or make the audience feel sympathetic for them in some way.

The protag of YIIK has no redeemable traits at all. He’s an unlikeable, egoistic, creepy jackass. He constantly needs to interject his opinions about everything and talks down to people. And unlike what this dev claimed, he doesn’t change much by the end of the game. Don’t blame your audience for your own bad writing, especially when games with asshole protagonists do well because the devs actually tried to make their character likeable.

>mfw a 12 year old DS game was able to pull this off with more enjoyable aesthetics and gameplay to boot

The funny thing about anyone who tries to use “games are an art” as a defense against criticism is that they don’t seem to grasp that people are saying they are a shitty artist. Plus they seem to be going for the art gallery audience, pretentious snobs who are so busy wondering what it all means to notice what shit art is. I wonder if they’ll ever realize that gaming does not have that audience and they can’t peddle their shitty wares here.

I think the funniest thing here is that the developer thinks the protag is the main reason people hate the game when there are other problems besides him that run so much deeper.

There’s a point in that combat sequence where I started to feel like I was watching a gif on repeat…

Man, I liked the concept, and the soundtrack was cool.

But now I’m feeling pretty comfortable in my decision to not buy it.

I actually like the aesthetic (and the music), I just wish they were on a better game.

I’m almost certain alex is a self-insert, tbh

EDIT: So apparently, this game also makes an incredibly tasteless reference to the death of a woman

@mageknight14 @siryouarebeingmocked in case this is relevant at all. Warning before you click that link, it’s kind of upsetting.